29. Return

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The scraping of sand against the hull of their ship and the heavy anchor dropping never felt more horrible. The whole crew stood on deck, looking at the beach with empty eyes. Right in front of them was the trail leading up the cliffs, ten minutes walk from Seonghwa's home. They had not even tried to anchor at the port, having taken him right home.

Nobody dared to move, no noise interrupting the close rushing of the waves lapping at their ship.

It was time.

Hongjoong, ever the responsible captain decided to take the blame.

"Alright. Say be off, then now. I will try to be back with jolly news, somethin' like we can see 'im next month but I can't make any promises. Please make sure to properly see each other off." He spoke loudly and frankly. No use in beating around the bush now.

San was the first one jumping Seonghwa, followed by literally everyone. They all hugged him, some pressing little kisses on his cheeks or leaving parting gifts in his hands. Some of them parted with their eyes shimmering suspiciously wetly, their fists clenched in spite.

They were like little children that had to part from their favorite toy and Hongjoong hated being the person authorizing this.

Jongho was the last one to step back, his eyes calm on Seonghwa's as he whispered his goodbye. Seonghwa merely sniffled into his sleeve, trying not to appear too moved.

What an idiot.

Hongjoong gently took his hand then, leading him away over the ship and observing his descend down the rope ladder. When he stepped on the sand he breathed a little sad sigh and Hongjoong noticed San turning away to hide his tears in Mingi's shoulder.

He gulped, lifting a hand in salute.

"I'll be back."

He left them then, deathly silence falling upon the ship because this was no joyous farewell. This felt heavy and wrong, like losing a crew member.

And they were. They lost three members in such a short amount of time.

Hongjoong stepped up to Seonghwa, gently taking his hand in his to start leading him up the path. Seonghwa kept looking back, kept waving with downturned lips at the heartbroken crew. Some waved back, some left the deck, not bearing seeing him leave.

Hongjoong hated it so fucking much but he needed to be strong now. There was no turning back.

"You got everything, right? Your clothes, your sword? I can sprint back if you forgot something."

Hongjoong saw it in his glassy eyes, saw how much he wanted to say that he had left his crew behind but he stayed quiet. This was not the moment to make them even more depressed.

So they just walked in silence, their hands cold in each other's.

They arrived at the house much too quick.

Everything was as always. The horse in the barn, the little garden, the chimney smoking dutifully. But at the same time Seonghwa did not jump in joy, did not skip forward to go in. He hesitated.


Hongjoong's lips were on his before either of them noticed they had moved. Hongjoong kissed him bruisingly, with the force of the waves in a storm. Because just how any other kiss they had shared these days this might be the last one. For a long time to come.

Seonghwa sobbed into his mouth when Hongjoong pulled him against his body by his lips, making them stumble with how much force they used. Seonghwa was crying again. Hongjoong felt numb and cold all over.

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