5. Candles in the Night

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Smut until the arrow ->


Hongjoong was planning on grabbing Youjin, he really did. But Youjin being the sly fox that he was merely pushed Seonghwa into the captain's arms, distracting him successfully. Seonghwa was warm and willing under his fingers, immediately nuzzling up into Hongjoong's neck, making him freeze.

"'e been already 'ard when I touched 'im, don't snap at me. Shouldn't ye take care o' 'im first?" Youjin took a few steps back, creating more distance to Hongjoong with that cunning smirk of his. Hongjoong wanted to make him kneel, get out his whip and show him that he was still very much his superior even if they were not within the crew and on the ship right now. However, Seonghwa pressing against his body with his own sent his thoughts in an entirely different direction.

Hongjoong knew he had lost to their game when he lifted his hands to settle on Seonghwa's hips, allowing the man to grind down onto his thigh.

"Don't think ye'll get away with this. Ye, shadow. Go an' give them two lard brains a face full o' ye boot.", he ordered sharply, abruptly capturing Seonghwa's lips in a rough kiss full of tongue and teeth right after so he would not have to see Hongjoong's shadow stepping away from him and going to hunt down his two naive hands.

Seonghwa whined into his mouth, not flinching away from the rough treatment and instead retaliating with his own quite dexterous tongue. Hongjoong gave a roguish laugh at his zeal to keep up, sneakily slipping his fingers under the other man's shirt to feel up his smooth skin.

"I don't remember ye being this desperate fer a touch then. Be this ye missing me? Or ye bein' sensitive after waiting for so long?" His voice had lowered to a growl, Seonghwa shuddering in his hold just like he always did, arching prettily against him. Hongjoong could feel his hardness pressing against his own insistently, making his skin itch and grow hot to finally have a taste of the man's sweet allure.

Seonghwa did not even now how powerful he was. How he could play Hongjoong like a doll on strings. And Hongjoong was also very much determined to never let him know that.

"I kept being torn. Would I rather have you pin me down and have your way with me or wreck you myself?" Seonghwa did not hesitate to let his fingers reach down to the laces holding Hongjoong's pants on his hips, quickly starting to open them. Hongjoong smirked down at him, letting him work while he just lazily moved his thigh against him. When Seonghwa's cool fingers finally slid beneath the fabric, touching him, he fisted one hand in the other man's black hair, pulling him up to look at him.

"Ye be forgettin' who I be. Ye will have to put yer back into it to make such demands.", Hongjoong warned him darkly, kissing his opened lips again while Seonghwa seemed to become smaller against his frame, nearly forced to his knees.

Hongjoong would very much like to have him on his knees right now. But he would also like to have him spread out and waiting to be fucked senseless all the same.

Seonghwa for sure was trouble.

So Hongjoong decided spontanously, pulling Seonghwa with him as he settled down on one of the rocks they had been sitting on earlier. The baker slid into his lap as if he belonged there and he basically did anyway. Hongjoong would like to keep him there at any minute they spent together.

Seonghwa slumped over his shoulder when Hongjoong started peeling his pants off of him, appreciating the glow of the other man's skin. The fire behind him seemed to bathe him in a hellish light, making Hongjoong remember just how much he had stained this angel after he had come aboard his ship. He raised one hand to Seonghwa's lips, watching him react without thinking and wrapping those pretty lips around them.

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