22. The Art of Shadowfusing

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The next day Seonghwa was asked to show everybody his new skills of being one with his shadow doppelganger again and with nobody's attention diverted by some petty fighting going on that San had gotten them into.

Thus, everybody had collected on deck like some adorable school class and settled in one messy row against the railing, leaving the middle bare for Hongjoong and Seonghwa's play. Wooyoung was clutching to San's arm excitedly and Jongho was seen shifting away where he was squeezed between Yeosang and Yunho, subtly pushing the tall man further onto Mingi's lap.

When Hongjoong took up his position opposite of Seonghwa with elegant steps some cheerful hooting accompanied him, getting his spirits up. Hongjoong made an act out of it to bow to Seonghwa in a big gesture, holding his sword to his chest in mock honourableness. Pleasedly he watched Seonghwa do the same with a little grin, his outfit making him look like actual nobility instead of a pirate.

He easily twirled Hongjoong's pretty sword in his hand, distracting Hongjoong with the way his slender fingers were holding it. Did those fingers always look that pretty wrapped around thing? He clearly needed to pay more attention.

If Hongjoong ever died then probably because he was too distracted by that man to focus on his duel with Seonghwa. One day he would just dodge some attack too late and not complain when Seonghwa drove his sword through his heart, that was for sure. He would probably still think about those pretty knuckles and well-kept nails while he was dying.

"I will show you guys how I do that fusing thing with my umbra. I can teach you after, it's certainly a special attack. However, it can be a bit... disgusting I guess? The procedure to first connect to them like that is a bit-"

Hongjoong interrupted his rambling lover with a chuckle.

"Show us, sugar. Fer a gentleman o' fortune there be no such thin' as disgustin'." He nodded at him to go, shifting his legs further apart to get into position. The plan was to show them Seonghwa's very own fighting first and then show the way he fought merged with that shadow of his, the difference it made. Hongjoong kept wondering how strong his own, already trained boys were if they merged with those talented bastards.

Hongjoong went easy on Seonghwa when he finally came at him, letting their swords clash against each other without putting too much force or intent to hurt into it, letting their dance begin.

Seonghwa's steps were much too easy to predict. Left, left, back, feint, right, attack. Right, right, back, feint, left, attack. It was a dance Hongjoong quickly grew tired of, seeing every single opening, so many moments when he could have attacked the other man so effortlessly and with deathly effects. They had a lot to teach him still, that much was clear. But Hongjoong certainly appreciated his efforts and the fine figure he cut at it.

Anyways, his crew was elated to see Seonghwa do stuff and cheered at him nonetheless, some comments that were hyping him up thrown in loudly.

At least it made Seonghwa smile.

Hongjoong dodged another feint, moving in close to press their swords against each other. The screeching of blades meeting made Seonghwa pull a face. Hongjoong chuckled at him full of adoration before he swiftly twisted his wrist, forcing Seonghwa to let go of his weapon if he did not want to end up with a dislocated arm. Seonghwa did not actually seem surprised by that development, simply watching his sword clatter to the ground with a lost expression.

Hongjoong made quick work of him, kicking his legs out from under him so that the man landed on his back with a huff, the wood catching his fall. Hongjoong easily slid above his chest, restricting him with his legs that were spread above Seonghwa's shoulders.

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