24. Moonshine

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Chapter 30 will be the last one just so you know!


After spending two days of their journey with trying to get their shadows to listen to them Yeosang finally announced that they would reach land in the following morning. It was the merchant-filled port Hongjoong wanted to go to in order to shop with Seonghwa. While Hongjoong was glad to be able to go back to his usual life and do the things he did before getting captured he also felt his time running out even more after the news reached him.

Seonghwa would leave soon. And Hongjoong wanted to court him properly no matter what Seonghwa himself said. (He was actually pretty sure that Seonghwa was a sucker for romantics and would not hesitate to accept his advances.)

But how? Hongjoong had no idea just how to do this.

So he did what any responsible captain would do and went to ask San. He could still regret that decision later.

San took a while to howl and shake with laughter until he could actually answer coherently, still wiping tears out of his eyes even minutes after. He was sitting in his bunk and had one arm slung around some stuffed doll of his while Hongjoong stood in front of him with his arms crossed and one brow raised impatiently.

San sniffed.

"Cap, I be curious. Did ye think even once that I be playin' perfectly well into all these little charmin' things an' seonghwa still chose to fall fer ye, the most tactless an' brutal person on this ship? Ye even drowned 'im an' 'e still managed to fall fer somebody such as yerself."

"Knowin' that 'e 'as some fightin' kink be not 'elpin' in this case. But aye, o' course I know! But ye be San, that be why 'e does not want it, full offense. But 'e does want me to do these things. 'e asked me to show me feelings more towards 'im an' I will. But I still be a bloody murderer an' 'e some naive lad who fell in love with me. 'owever that 'appened."

San chuckled lowly, slowly crossing his long legs.

"He's not that naive anymore, don't ye think? I think 'e knew what 'e been gettin' into when 'e started crushin' on ye. Comin' backto ye been 'is own decision. Twice."

Hongjoong knew he was right. Had Seonghwa been truly the same clueless boy like two years ago he also would not feel the need to do this whole relationship and emotions mess right for him. But as it was Seonghwa deserved anything that he would have gotten in his normal life anyway and then more because Hongjoong had already decided to keep him by his side and rob him of that peaceful life.

"Anyway, what do I 'ave to do? Pick some flowers? This would be so much easier if we was not in the middle o' the fuckin' ocean."

"Ye could catch 'im a pretty fish? Ye know an' then cook it fer 'im yerself. Damn to the depths, that would be romantic. Ye got candles, silk, 'mm... Ye should definitely get a few more things on the island tomorrow. An' then make these last few days worth it. Ye don't know when ye'll see 'im again, right? Maybe ye should cook a fish fer 'is mom too... She might allow ye to visit earlier next time then."

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, casually leaning against the beam behind him. At least San had some actual advice for him even if Hongjoong tried to balance his pirate self out with what Seonghwa himself might actually want. Quite obviously the man did not function by the general rules of seducing.

"How about some sweets too? 'e probably does not get them very often, they be expensive. That thin' o' ye wantin' to buy 'im gifts be a jolly idea. Ye also gotta ask 'im about the 'ole thin' though. An' 'is mom o' course. I be not even sure if 'e would want to marry ye with the two o' ye seein' each other so seldomly."

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