11. Succumbing

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Warnings for uhhhh beastality? For smut with wendigos, let's put it like that. Don't try this at home. Smut aaalll the way. Also gore. And deaths. Have a nice few days with me having to go to uni oof.


Hongjoong thought about telling them off because really what were they thinking? They were supposed to surround Seonghwa and put him in a little cloud of evil and scare the robes away and not to animate a whole wendigo! Hongjoong wanted to kick them real bad but he had to admit that their darkness filling out the places where normally fur and twigs would have been and pretty Seonghwa writhing like that in the protection of the monster had been no bad idea at all.

However, he was also really not up to bottoming for that, no matter how lax he was right now. But as far as his double and his constant tries to get into Hongjoong's pants were concerned it appeared he did not have much of a choice right now if they wanted to live.

And oh, Seonghwa was really gorgeous like that.

So Hongjoong merely rolled his eyes, more or less giving them the signal to go. Dexterous hands went to free Seonghwa's legs at that while the wendigo settled more comfortably in between Hongjoong's legs. He was at least thankful not to feel bones against his skin but that soft black material they mimicked flesh with.

Hongjoong lifted his eyes to fixate them on Seonghwa heatedly, watching the way the man was squirming in his bindings and pressing back against the fingers inside of him. His arousal dented the flimsy skirt around his hips, leaving a dark spot where his wetness was seeping through and Hongjoong wanted to rip it away already.

Seonghwa's pretty lips were parted, his brows furrowed as he breathed heavily, biting his lip when he noticed Hongjoong's hungry gaze on him. Hongjoong believed to hear his own laugh somewhere.

He jolted at the first touch of something against his entrance and peeked down to check if they were really planning on ripping him apart with that stupid wendigo skeleton. But the whole picture had changed again. There was still that horrible length they seemed keen on wrecking him with but around it there were also collecting some other tendrils of black, searching for his body now. One slipped inside of him easily while another went to play with his throbbing manhood, making him close his eyes in bliss.

The tendril inside of him curled just right, gently brushing against his prostate and making him shudder when the sweet heat of pleasure mixed with whatever affect the drugs had on him.

Hongjoong sighed heavily when more tendrils started creeping up his body, caressing his chest and neck and even slipping over his lips. He did not let them in there, rather leaving them to go back down and carefully probe his entrance as to see whether he truly was relaxed enough to take them right now.

The problem with this thing was -  no one expected it to be nice. They expected it to rip Hongjoong apart. So he had to be thankful for those drugs again.

Seonghwa's legs came free not a minute later and his lower half that was not trapped inside of a ribcage dropped down on Hongjoong, the wendigo pressing them together closely. Both of them gave an impatient whine, having no free arms to connect their bodies together with and Hongjoong basically felt their doubles roll their eyes at them before the tendrils reached out again.

Seonghwa could guide his body on top of Hongjoong easily then, smoothly sinking down on him and choking on a moan when he felt the tendril that was still wrapped around Hongjoong. The captain grit his own teeth, wanting to hold Seonghwa, push him down and have him already. Why did the man have to look that delectable?

The wendigo jostled Hongjoong's hips when lining his own hardness up and Hongjoong held his breath already, too distracted to truly enjoy Seonghwa's broken moan.

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