12. Memories

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Things turned... not exactly peaceful but at least easier for them afterwards. Their umbras made sure to eat some of the robes to make it clear that they were indeed the new bosses here. They asked to keep Seonghwa and Hongjoong as their companions and sent them off to their cell again to discuss getting actual humans for food.

Their plan was still risky, a constant playing of a role they had next to no knowledge of. Hongjoong sure hoped his umbra had researched enough before pretending to be a god and that they would not be found out before hopefully fleeing soon.

So for now Hongjoong was just laying on their little nest of blankets with his head resting on Seonghwa's lap and the man's gentle fingers brushing through his hair. They had been allowed some rest and Hongjoong's injuries had finally been treated, a numbing ointment now spread on the stump of his finger.

"Ye think this will work?", Seonghwa mumbled gently, his fingers stilling in Hongjoong's hair when the pirate turned his head towards the older man. He lifted his hand to idly trail his fingertip down the slope of Seonghwa's nose, painting the man with his mind.

"Not necessarily. As soon as they notice, we be dead. However, I be glad that it worked so far. Those idiots finally actually made themselves useful." He gave a tired chuckle, craning his head back to kiss at Seonghwa's fingers hovering above his face.

"And if they manage to find a way out? Will we leave immediately then? Or try to burn this place down?"

Hongjoong laughed, gently taking Seonghwa's fingers into his to nibble on them carefully, never hurting the man. He allowed the other man to curiously spread his lips with them, pushing two fingers inside to press against Hongjoong's tongue.

The pirate was distracted for a moment, busy with caressing those rough fingers with his tongue until Seonghwa shuddered against him, pressing them in deeper. Hongjoong warningly bit him then, making him pull back until just a string of salvia connected them. With hooded eyes Hongjoong watched the man's sleek fingers glisten. Seonghwa silently stared down at him, his eyes no less dark than the pirate's were.

"I like the way ye think, matey. If ye wanna turn this hellhole into ashes I certainly won't stop ye from it.  But after that we gotta hurry and find me crew. I need to check on them and make sure that I did not lose more of them." His face turned dark at that and he gently licked the pads of Seonghwa's fingers again, tasting his salty skin before he pulled back.

He was not in the mood anymore.

"Ye want to tell me about them? Hanbyeol and Youjin? Youjin told me some things about himself and... you." Seonghwa was speaking meekly, leaving it open for Hongjoong to say no any time. The baker wiped his fingers on his robe before returning them to Hongjoong's tousled hair, making the pirate sigh melancholically.

"I knew them the longest. Both were older than me."

Hanbyeol had already been around and quite grown up when Hongjoong was born and taken in by his father soon after. They never remembered each other's birthdays but Hongjoong guessed the other man to be about ten years older than him. Youjin was not that old. They had grown up together with Youjin being another crew mate's son. Hanbyeol had sometimes been told to watch over them and the man hated it for the longest time, not finding any adventure in his baby sitting occupation.

"Hanbyeol and Youjin... I spent my whole childhood with them. They are the only people left besides me of the crew of my father and I never imagined them being gone from my side. I hate myself for not doing anything, for not- being there at least. And now when we find the others, and the boys we gotta... I gotta tell them. I actually need to tell Youjin's lover." His thoughts quickly strayed far off, memories of them running around on the battlefield as kids and slashing people's knee tendons filling his head. He chuckled fondly, closing his eyes to see them more clearly.

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