27. Hurt

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TW: Panic attacks, rough sex, blood


The drag of the glass around Hongjoong's hardness was delicious and if Seonghwa's long, drawn-out moans were anything to go by it felt quite good for him too.

The firework had ended about ten minutes ago after going on for a whole hour and Seonghwa had rolled them over desperately as soon as the last flower had bloomed. His legs had dropped open for Hongjoong and who was he to deny him? So Hongjoong had pushed the silk between them aside and started fucking into his lover deep.

Seonghwa would forever look gorgeous like this, spread out beneath Hongjoong and gripping at the furs for leverage. Sweat was glinting on his forehead and his legs shook where Hongjoong had pressed them against his chest. He also let those little sounds tumble out of his mouth constantly, cursing under his breath about how good it felt.

Hongjoong noticed a difference today, though.

Usually, he would indulge in the sensations, making sure that he and Seonghwa's needs were taken care of. He'd chase that high until both of them would fall apart and black out from exertion.

Not today.

Hongjoong ingrained this picture in his head just how he had done earlier. Seonghwa sitting above him in that dress and with the stars and the fire in the distance reflecting in his eyes had left a lasting impression. And now, when he could not keep the feel, the taste and scent of the man, he at least wanted the picture.

And it was then that Hongjoong slowed down, his thrusts becoming more languid and deep, making Seonghwa whine out that it was not enough.

Hongjoong was entranced when he leaned over him, pushing his legs open to lay his chest against Seonghwa's. Seonghwa hiccuped when Hongjoong took his hands with his own, locking them together before pushing them down above Seonghwa's head.

"Hongjoong. Hongjoong, Hongjoong.", Seonghwa was mumbling his name in an endless litany and it was adorable, making Hongjoong chuckle when he gently searched for the man's little bundle of nerves, thrusting against it repeatedly.

Seonghwa choked on a moan, throwing his head back and Hongjoong seized the moment, dipping down to suck blooming bruises all over his neck. The other man swallowed breathlessly, his whines lost in the cool night.


They were heated up, the alcohol cozy in their veins as their bodies melted together in that ancient dance of pleasure. It was intense, much more intense than it usually would be and Hongjoong suspected that San had sneaked some of those aphrodisiac drugs in their sweets but for the love of God he did not care.

He nosed up Seonghwa's jaw, leaving wet kisses here and there. When he reached the man's ear he whispered to him throatily.

"I love ye, Hwa. I love ye."

Seonghwa arched against his body, his whine desperate and Hongjoong cooed, not stopping the constant friction between them. He did reach down to grab Seonghwa's face with tender fingers though, kissing away the tears brimming in his eyes.

His heart hurt. It hurt so much.

Hongjoong distracted himself from the pain, busy with worshipping Seonghwa's hot body in the night. Seonghwa was grabbing at his shoulders, pulling him close so he could reach him with his lips. He sobbed into their desperate kiss and it broke Hongjoong.

"Shh. You're fine, I got you." He would deny how his voice broke even when he tried to make it sound soothing. He shut Seonghwa up with another deep kiss when he tried to speak instead. Remember. He had to remember this feeling.

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