4. Flaming Jealousy

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Hongjoong felt restless in the evening.

His own shadow- well it was not like he was that friendly to begin with. He had still keelhauled Hongjoong once and the pirate was still bitter about it. However, his shadow liked to play his little games now the same as all that time ago. So when it was time to light a fire and settle around it with Seonghwa leaning again his shoulder comfortably, he was constantly expecting an ambush from that noisy bastard.

At least Hanbyeol and Youjin had calmed down again, harmlessly whispering with each other but not actually making any trouble.

"Tell me then. How did you discover that trick?"

Seonghwa turned his head, smiling a little when he found Hongjoong's eyes on his. The eyes of the other man strayed over the scar on his nose, his tousled hair and his bare neck. Hongjoong wore his shirt half opened, as per usual and Seonghwa's gaze dipped down low with the V of it, straying off somewhere. Hongjoong suppressed his knowing smile.

"I asked him about it one day. Yonghwan had been telling me some stories about you while you were gone, dear pirate king. He told us of how the world by now fears you for meddling with dark magic and the demons accompanying your crew - I figured it out myself what those might be. And when I consulted my own double about it, he actually told me of how smoothly we could work together if I wanted to. I agreed, because if he gets my soul either way, then why defy him?"

Hongjoong smirked at him, noticing the obvious changes about him. He had become more rebellious, the time he had spent within pirates obviously getting to him. The captain was dying to hear some pirate speech patterns from Seonghwa again, just like when they had parted. The deep and smooth drawl of the other man's voice had still rung in Hongjoong's ears weeks after he had returned to his ship.

Seonghwa would make a mightily fine pirate. And in a certain sense he was already. He did join Hongjoong's crew and he did define as a pirate. Hongjoong just wanted to take him away again, make him fall in love with the sea so he would never leave its side.

"That was very courageous of you. I take it he did not trouble you further?"

Both of them seemed to shudder at the memory of Seonghwa's double, Seonghwa subconsciously lifting his fingers to touch the right corner of his lips that was still cut open more than it was supposed to be. Hongjoong carefully reached out to him, pulling that hand away. Seonghwa blinked as if waken up from a deep thought, painedly lowering his eyes. The pirate just gripped his fingers more tight, spending strength.

"He did not lay a finger on you, right?", Hongjoong repeated his question more urgently, feeling Seonghwa's work-rough fingers gently slip between his. His fingertips were gentle when he caressed Hongjoong's knuckles with them, slowly shaking his head.

"No, I just- I had to discuss a lot with him. He could easily explain to your double but I'm not quite ready to meet them again yet."

Hongjoong relaxed, pushing every heated thought about ripping Seonghwa's double apart a second time out of his head. He was shocked of himself, of how deeply he still felt for Seonghwa after two whole years. Did Seonghwa still reciprocate these feelings? He enjoyed his touch still that was for sure.

"Sure, take your time. I'm really curious about it. Sure, we fought side by side with our doubles too but we did not consider merging. You are still in control then, right?"

Seonghwa nodded, casually poking the burning logs with another branch. He watched it catch fire with empty eyes, lost in his memories.

"He's still controlling me. I choose the move and he chooses how to do it. Sometimes it still scares me. I fear he takes over. I think it's no safe thing to do."

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