19. Troublemaker

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Uhhh much smut. This is consented for those who are wondering, Hongjoong could definitely get out of this if he wanted. Safe to read. Warning for gangbangs/multiple partners/choking during sex


Hongjoong already felt lethargic before the evening even fully started, having long since given up trying to understand what was going on.

His crew was obviously angry with him. And he did not care what they wanted to do with him - he slept with most of them before anyway - but he truly was concerned about Seonghwa. San was no easy lover and after the whole thing of Seonghwa being raped by his own clone Hongjoong had promised to himself that he would never ever let another man touch Seonghwa against his will again.

But then again it was San. And San was neither a stranger nor without charm. He would probably make it easy for Seonghwa to fall into bed with him.

While that fact calmed Hongjoong down considerably he could still not get rid of the burning jealousy and fear for Seonghwa.

San was loyal and a friend, yes, but that decision of his did seem very strange indeed.

Did they get overthrown by their umbras by any chance? Was this shadow San taking over right at this moment?

Something in Hongjoong hoped it was them but his heart knew it was not. Those were the real crew members that were now taking revenge on him for not only losing their friends but also ditching them so easily as a captain.

He was incredibly worried the whole day long, the aching arousal coursing through his body ever since Yunho and Mingi had made sure he was ready for that night becoming a background information filtering through his throbbing head.

Hongjoong was not the biggest fan of the black ropes holding his wrists in a uncomfortable position and restricting them to his lower back so his shoulders would not protest. He could also only dream about reaching down and removing that plug from his body, keeping him open and wet with the oil it held inside.

Hongjoong had been painfully hard for the past five hours or so, no grinding against a pillow helping to get rid of that angry red erection that was bound by a thin rope around its base.

Yunho and Mingi had been suspiciously good at preparing him and Hongjoong kept wondering what the hell was going on with his two resident puppies.

San and Wooyoung being into ropes? Sure. Yunho and Mingi? Not so much.

They had also not listened when he had tried to sacrifice his shadow to them, his umbra having been led away by the two of them so he would not try to free Hongjoong while nobody was looking.

It was terribly frustrating and when San finally arrived to get him Hongjoong was close to just begging him to end this edging finally.

But of course the man had not come for that. He merely smirked that sinister grin of his from underneath his bangs, reaching down to pull Hongjoong up at the chain somebody had thought would be fun to attach to a collar around his neck.

"Ye look beautiful, pirate king. Can't wait to ruin ye." He pulled Hongjoong closer by the chain, taking him into his arms then to press a heated kiss against his lips, letting him taste the piercing in his tongue he had gotten not that long ago.

Hongjoong merely shuddered, keeping himself from grinding on the other's strong thigh with sheer willpower. He half-heartedly returned the sloppy kiss, his confusion still seeping through.

"I will take ye to the christenin' o' our new ship now an' bend ye o'er that nice big table we got there. Everybody, includin' the kids be in the room an' look at ye, at their glorious cap'n bein' fucked deep. Well an' afterwards I will let them take ye, the kids excluded." San grinned broadly, merely yanking disapprovingly on the chain when Hongjoong snarled at him. "I will give ye one option 'ere. Blindfold or no blindfold?"

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