17. Precious II

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"Ahoy, me hearties!"

Hongjoong stepped up onto the plank leading to what was to be their new home, looking around pleased with what he saw. His crew was working hard everywhere around the ship, carrying things around and checking sails and ropes. He could see basically everybody he had been missing so far, even Dahan and Hojun who were sitting leaned against the railing and giving food and water to anybody who needed it.

After his yell had gotten everybody's attention Hongjoong gave a grand wave of his hand, receiving their cheers with a smirk. As soon as he stepped away from where he was blocking Seonghwa from view, however, the crew got much louder, hooting and hollering at the man.

Hongjoong sneakily ditched him, leaving him to deal with a screaming Wooyoung while he walked over to the two boys resting on the floor. Just how San had said both of them looked quite ailing but their eyes still shone with relief as soon as they saw him, both smiling when he crouched down in front of them.

"Ahoy, lads. Everythin' alright 'ere?" He lowered his voice to a gentle murmur, feeling bad for the two of them.

"Aye, Capt'n! We be workin' on gettin' well soon!", Dahan loudly exclaimed, making Hongjoong smile and ruffle his hair. He looked over to Hojun then, compassionately noting the stump where his leg ended shortly beneath his knee. His white bandages were stained with blood but he looked as fine as he could be, merely leaning against Dahan's shoulder with glassy eyes from his fever.

"Ye alright?"


Hongjoong immediately knew something was wrong when Hojun's voice cracked, the boy's young eyes filling with tears. The pirate was quick to scoot closer, minful to not touch his leg when he pulled him in a careful embrace.

"What be it? Ye need Yunho?" He allowed the boy to bury his head against his shoulder, not really crying but rather shaking in fear.

"No, I- Please don't send me away, Capt'n. I can still work! I want to stay 'ere!"

Hongjoong huffed, brotherly patting his shoulder. He sometimes forgot that the boys were no men yet and still fragile in their minds. As strong as they were in battle they still had it rough, constantly worrying of not being enough, to lose their position.

"Who said ye gotta go? O' course ye'll stay, we need ye 'ere. See, we match. An' we still 'ave to work an' sail a lot together, don't think anythin' else. We'll get ye some nice wooden foot an' then ye'll be alright." Hongjoong showed him his left hand, noticing the man slumping remarkably in his arms.

"Thank ye so much, Capt'n... I been worried."

"No problem, matey. We literally be all in the same boat 'ere."

Dahan happily sat up too, excitedly poking Hojun's arm with his non-injured hand. His earlier worry about losing his friend had disappeared, his cheery self returning.

"'ay! Ye gotta tell Youjin as soon as possible! So cool!"

Hongjoong grimaced when he moved back, rising to his feet with a last ruffle through their hair. He turned around to look out over their new deck, finding Seonghwa chatting away with Wooyoung and Yeosang while San was standing in between both of the other pirates and holding both of them possessively around the hips. Yunho was just coming over to check on the boys and the others were working on various places on the ship.

Hongjoong turned to Yunho.

"Collect the crew. I want everybody 'ere with some grub an' grog in ten. Where's Jongho?"

Yunho nodded towards the quarterdeck and Hongjoong took off without another word, giving Seonghwa a gentle pat on the butt as he passed him. He smirked when the man jumped away with a shriek, probably blushing all over while he quickly scaled the stairs. The others laughed at him.

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