20. Under Attack

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The next time Hongjoong awoke it was to gunshots outside.

He was up and jumping to his feet in a matter of seconds, swaying precariously for a moment when his body got used to the up and down of the ship beneath his feet again.

They had taken off already?

Hongjoong stumbled into the table of the sick bay when he went over to get some clothes from the pile, not caring whose they actually were. He was pretty sure some of them belonged to Seonghwa, the man nowhere to be seen.

Hongjoong hurried up even more when he heard steps and yelling outside, swords clashing into each other and more guns sounding in the distance.

What did those idiots do while he was out?

He grabbed his whip and another sword that were laid out for him, not seeing the one he gave Seonghwa anywhere. He sure to god hoped they would not let the man fight.

"Come on, let's do this.", he quickly mumbled to his shadow, watching him step up in front and kindly open the door for him. No, what a sweetie.

Hongjoong stormed out to the view of the deck in a mess, people fighting everywhere and some already laying on the floor while groaning. He could barely even see his friends in the mass of bodies that were moving on their ship and also the one connected to them by several planks.

Hongjoong did not question it further. He went and backed up Yunho who was fighting tooth and nail against some tall guy in a navy uniform. Together they managed to slash him open, immediately moving to the next. Yunho looked relieved seeing Hongjoong while the brutal pirate king was already seething with anger again.

There was no cloud to be seen, nothing obscuring their view. How the fuck could these navy mutts even get that close?

"What happened 'ere?!" Hongjoong slit open another throat, not minding the blood that splashed onto his hand as he immediately attacked the soldier next to him.

"San wanted to attack them first an' plunder their stuff. I told 'im there was to many but 'e insisted." Yunho moved back to his own umbra, breathing heavily for a moment with his back pressed to the other man.

"Be 'e tryin' to get us all killed now?! Where be that bastard?"

When Yunho just pointed his sword up to the captain's quarters Hongjoong felt even more rage seep into his veins, making him see red.

He was not even fighting?

Hongjoong turned, slaughtering his way through to the quarterdeck in order to ram his sword into that imbecile bastard if he had to. He left a trail of death and blood in his wake, not caring to be nice when he was this close to fighting his own crew.

San was clearly allowing himself too much.

Hongjoong stormed into the captain's quarters with his sword dripping with blood, his expression probably one of a demon sent from hell. San was here indeed, all calm and collected while looking down on some maps with Yeosang. The navigator was distressed, hissing at San and pointing things out too quick to follow.

Hongjoong's voice boomed through the room.

"What the fuck be ye doin' 'ere?! Be gone, ye filthy dog an' 'elp yer crew an' don't 'inder even more o' yer fighters!"

San barely spared him a glance.

"Leave it, Hongjoong, we 'ave things to discuss. 'ere, look. If we sail right 'ere but a bit to port then we can-"

"There is no a bit to port this is much too close! Sailing upon a reef will pull us down too!" Yeosang ran his hand through his hair, leaving it disheveled. He quickly tapped the map with his fingers.

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