Chapter 1

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   I walked back from school with my twin brother, Peter Parker. We lived at a nice small orphanage not to far away from our high school, Midtown Tech if you don't already know. I had to get home and finish the tiny bit of homework that I had been assigned and wanted to get it done before I went out to patrol Queens with Peter. 

Immediately my mind flashed back to when we got our powers.

When Pete and I were younger we were at a field trip to this science museum.  We had an option to go with a chaperone or explore with a partner, and logically Peter and I chose each other as partners. Well, and there was Ned. We both loved animals so we went to the radioactive animals exhibit, conducted by the one and only Oscorp, which was supposed to be a large room with many different types of animals sectioned off. Though Ned went off to check out the room next door about some other thing. 

Oddly enough the wolves and the spiders were right next to each other and even though I knew Peter didn't like spiders I dragged him over because I just had to see the wolves. They were absolutely gorgeous and I walked right up to the barrier that was made of metal fencing. Peter surprisingly enough was looking at the spiders and I wanted to stay there for the rest of the trip, and probably would have if not for the sharp pain in my shin.  I held in a cry as I looked down to see a small bite mark with a tad bit of blood dripping from it. I collapsed to the ground as my head was swarmed with dizziness and pain. I tried to call out to Peter, but when I opened my eyes he was lying next to me whimpering while clutching the back of his neck. 

After Ned came in, found us, and notified the staff, we were sent home early. Which was probably for the better since although the bites were gone, feelings of nausea and pain were strong. For about a week these symptoms continues, though we recovered and were stronger than ever. That was in seventh grade. Within six months of that we had fully figured out our powers and became the heroes we are today.

Though Parker luck gave us a turn I would rather have lived without, when in the eighth grade we were two late and Aunt May and Uncle Ben were killed... We were moved to an orphanage, thankfully being allowed to stay together, and that's basically the story of how we became the vigilantes of Queens, without all the nitty-gritty details. 

We approached the doors of the entrance to the orphanage. It was a basic brick building with tall red-ish walls and a pale gray roof. The small patch of grass in front of the building that stretched around the back was a nice light green, which accompanied the sign making it look more welcoming. In almost perfect sync we said a brief good afternoon to the owner of the small place, Mrs. White, as we walked in. 

We went up to our room, yes we shared one. We were siblings though, so it didn't matter all that much. We aren't idiots after all. I decided to chat with Peter, but was to lazy to use my mouth so I used our telepathic link. Yes, twin telepathy being realistic because of the radioactive animal bites. It sounds rather crazy, but it was very real.

"Hey Pete. You wanna go on patrol together tonight? I know it's my turn, but we don't have a lot of homework so it shouldn't be a problem." I said without turning around. I heard a brief pause in his typing. 

"Sure. Besides, it will be a nice break from school." The chats are mostly kept short because we learned that if we are responding to each other back and forth and go by someone else then they can be really confused if it looks like we're trying to talk without opening our mouths. It's even worse if we try to talk to them not realizing we were using the telepathy. 

One of the perks of being a superhero was that I had enhanced hearing, so it was odd when I heard All of a sudden I heard the door open with my enhanced hearing and people coming in. The footsteps were to heavy to be any kids, and they weren't at the pace or volume of any of the normal visitors. Maybe some adults are coming into adopt. Then I hear the call from Mrs. White that turns my thoughts into reality, "Kids, come down. Some lovely adults are hear to adopt."

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