Chapter 3

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TW: Blood 

I woke up and immediately reached toward my head and felt ears as well as saw black veins running down my arm. I guess I need a quick explanation for all you readers. On half-moon days (during the waxing part of the moon stage) I am stuck in my half form all day. Well, I can turn into my wolf form, but my human form just doesn't happen. Wait... did I just say talk to the readers? What the heck? I'm not in a book. Grace you are finally going insane.

Yay, time for the once a month makeover so no one figures out my identity. I opened my bag and grabbed my black baseball cap as well as some sweatpants. A t-shirt with a Spider-Man-mask-symbol-thing on it was the next thing in my bag so I decided I might as well wear that. I flattened my ears and shoved my hat on, ignoring the slight pain of forcing my ears to lie completely flat. I can't do it for too long though so I'm gonna have to come up to my room on occasion in order to let them be. This is such a hassle. I threw on a hoodie even though it was rather warm out, gotta hide the veins.

I went to the bathroom and put in my brown colored contacts which hid my yellow eyes. Then I grabbed concealer and put some on my wrists to hide the dark veins. With a quick look in the mirror to check that everything was hidden I stepped out of the bathroom and went over to Peter's room. "Half-moon?" He asked. I nodded in confirmation.

"Yep, now that we have a family I have to be extra careful. Does it look good?" I looked Peter in the eye as he checked to make sure he couldn't see anything.

"I mean, you look like Grace to me." He gave me his bright smile, "Now come on, breakfast is waiting for us." I chuckled and followed him out the door, then to the elevator, then to the kitchen, then to the table. Waiting on the table were two steaming plates filled to the brim with bacon and eggs. Who knew such a simple breakfast could look and smell so amazing.

Pepper was humming while cooking another meal, probably for herself or maybe Tony. "It smells amazing!" I said as I entered, and it was the truth. I tried not to shove every piece of food in my sight into my mouth. Once I was done I handed my plate to Pepper who despite me trying to wash my own plate washed my plate. I escaped up to my room and grabbed my backpack before meeting Peter downstairs. We said a quick goodbye and walked out the door of the tower.

After a quick subway ride and a short walk Peter and I made it to a nice park in Queens. Peter and I slip off to the side of the park where basically no one goes and I got ready to change to my wolf form. After shrugging off my backpack and putting my cap in it and taking out my contacts I started the change. The feeling cane as called and I felt a tingling sensation rush through my body. From where I was kneeling in the ground I felt the change come on from my nose tip to my tail tip. My hands turned into furry black paws with claws, followed by the fur crawling up my arms onto my torso. Across my stomach it went changing my feet into hind paws and my whole back into that of a wolf's. Lastly came my head. Cross eyed I watched as my nose and mouth extended out in front of me forming my muzzle. My ears were positioned at the top of my head and my fangs came in.

I let out a small bark and shrugged the now useless clothes off and put them in the backpack. I walked out of the bush and did a quick stretch before handing my bag to Peter. He leaned down and gave me a quick pat on the head followed by him clipping on the leash and collar we had. What? I'm not going to disobey the leash law. With that done, we got started in our walk.

At this point I am quite accustomed to acting like a dog. Walking around, sniffing things, whatever else dogs do. Peter and I walked side-by-side while using our twin telepathy to chat since I can't talk English (or any other language for that matter) while in wolf form, but I can talk using the telepathy. I gave a doggy grin at Peter when we had made it around the path we were taking twice. "Bark."

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