Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sun shining through the large window on the side of my room. I let out a yawn as I grabbed my phone to check the time. 5:00am. Why am I waking up so early? I'm a teenager for goodness sake! I need my sleep! I swung my feet off the side of my bed and got up. I went into the bathroom and made myself presentable. I brushed my hair, threw on a t-shirt, a hoodie, and jeans. I heard that there was a huge library somewhere in the tower, and I'm not going to argue with a little bit of light reading.

"Hey Friday, where is the library?" I asked as I walked out of my room into the hallway. I only had to wait a couple of milliseconds before I got a response.

"The library is down a couple floors and the third door on the left." Ok, so I have to go to the Avenger's floors. That's fine, I'm sure no one is down there at the moment. Besides, if they were I can always plead innocent and call Pepper or Tony down. Although I really shouldn't bother them. I walked into the elevator and fidgeted with my long-sleeves as I traveled downwards.

I walked out of the elevator doors and followed Friday's instructions to find double doors into a different room. The doors were automatic and opened as I approached. Past the doors was a view like no other. Many shelves were filled from top to bottom with paper books, mostly hardcover, some paperback. On the side of the room there were two computers, they didn't look too large and the headphones sitting next to them confirmed my thoughts. If you wanted to experience ebooks or audiobooks

I was in there for about two hours going through random books, reading snippets, well, until I actually found a book that I liked and went over to a couch to chill and read. I was getting bored when I heard the smooth sound of the doors sliding open. From instinct I tensed up and sniffed the air to catch a scent. One second passed. Two seconds passed. The person, who was obviously someone I had never met, came closer and closer. It wasn't Pepper, but because of the light way she walked and the scent of some makeup I could tell it was a girl. The only female Avengers I knew of are the Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow.

I heard her let out a slight murmur of surprise when she rounded the corner and was at a point that could see me. "Hello." A young teenage to adult voice called. I kept a calm outer persona as I turned my head to see her and adjusted myself on the couch so I looked at least a little more presentable. As expected it was a young female adult that looked like she ranged anywhere from 18 to 20. She was wearing a nice green shirt that made her beautiful red hair color pop. It didn't take me long to figure out that the person standing in front of me was... the Scarlet Witch.

"Hello!" I said, quickly forming a bright smile on my face. "Sorry if I'm bothering you. I'm Tony and Pepper's adopted daughter Grace Parker-Stark!" I put the book carefully on the couch and got up to shake her hand.

A smile glittered into place as Miss Maximoff reached out and shook my hand. "Hello Grace, I'm Wanda Maximoff." Scarlet Witch, I could give more details, though it probably wouldn't be best since she can read minds. Did I mention I've hacked into the SHIELD database before with the help of Peter?

"Well, nice to meet you Miss Maximoff." I released her hand and took a polite step backwards.

"Wanda is fine." I smiled, knowing that although Peter would never stop properly addressing anyone I could change someone's name really quickly.

"Well, nice to meet you Wanda..." We ended up sitting on the couches and chatting until we got bored and decided we might as well watch a show, considering this was the Avenger's common floor. I heard rustling in the background in the middle of an episode and turned to see Mr. Barton and who I assumed was Miss. Romanoff standing in the doorway. I tapped lightly on Wanda's shoulder and gestured towards the door.

She paused the show and turned around. "Morning Natasha, morning Clint." I stayed silent while giving a smile. I fidgeted with my sleeve, one of my normal nervous habits, as I watched their interaction. I've got to admit that no matter how many times I see them as a superhero it is always way more nerve racking seeing them in person. "This is Grace, one of Stark's." I gave an awkward as heck wave.

Mr. Barton smiled and came over to shake my hand, though Miss Romanoff seemed pretty cautious around me. "Hello Mr. Barton, Miss Romanoff." I pulled my sleeves down and made sure they covered my whole arms.

Mr. Barton let out a chuckle as I said that. "Mr. Barton makes me sound old. Clint is fine." Who would have known that the Avengers were all so informal when they were at the tower. I would have thought that they were a little more formal. Wait, was he offended by me calling him a name formally.

"Oh, sorry." I said, lowering my head slightly in a little shame. After this we ended up eating breakfast together, which was interesting. My second day living in the tower and I was already friends(?) with the Avengers. Well, a few of the Avengers.

After breakfast was done Wanda offered to spend the day with me. We started by talking about the book I was reading. I was rereading the Harry Potter series, which apparently she liked as well. It makes sense since she has her own form of magic. I wonder if we were to have a fake battle then she could use her abilities to make it look like a real duel.

After this we got bored and decided we might as well go visit the park. The closest park was only a couple blocks away. We decided to get some physical activity so Wanda pulled out a ball and we played catch. I gave her no limits on using her powers so she had an unfair advantage. She would occasionally catch it with her magic, yet I couldn't tap into my wolf side for fear of being caught. I also had to be careful with my arm since it was still healing from when I broke it yesterday.

Once we had gotten tired out we decided to chill out and ended up making flower crowns for each other with the flowers in the park we found. It was October so there weren't that many. She made me a purple and white one while I made her a red and orange one. They looked amazing on each of us. On the way back we stopped at a nice cafe where I got a cinnamon roll and coffee. Just kidding, I hate coffee. I got a nice iced raspberry tea.

Time passed like it normally does, we did more entertaining things. Some of which were childish, but I don't really care. It's good to have someone around that enjoys hanging out with you. I did check on Peter occasionally throughout the day, I didn't want him to feel like I had abandoned him.

Around 5:00pm, exactly 12 hours since I had woken up I walked into the Avenger's common room with Wanda at my side. She had explained that a few of the Avengers were out on a mission right now so we shouldn't be disturbing many by watching movies there. We put on one of the Harry Potter movies, Prisoner of Azkaban I think, and settled down to watch. Clint joined us after a while so we pulled out some pillows and blankets and created a comfortable mess.

At around 8:00 we had some pizza that Clint had ordered. Sweet sweet cheese pizza, though I would personally prefer if it had the sweetness of pineapple to accompany it... I decided that I should get to bed so I could see what was in store for me tomorrow. I said goodnight before finding my way up to my room.

I said hi to Peter and let him know it was time we headed out. Together we got ready to head out and once I was ready I hopped out my window.

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Word Count: 1,439

Hey everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I don't have much else to say, so stay safe in this world! Have an amazing day! 



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