Chapter 25

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TW: blocking yourself off from the world, brief mention of suicide

I've got to say that therapy and physical therapy were two of my least favorite things about coming "back to the real world." It is rather obvious as to why I needed therapy, and I think it's obvious why I needed physical therapy? I'm not sure though. Basically my body sort of forgot how to move. Hopefully I wouldn't need the physical crap for that much longer now. Though I don't really know.

I also don't like normal therapy for my mental crap because I hate talking about that stuff. At the moment I had just gotten back from my therapy session. It was another day of me just sitting there and having no meaningful conversations about anything while I avoided the topic they were getting paid to talk about.

Now... I tried to pass by everyone and just go up to my room. Socialization between me and other people basically didn't exist at the moment. I ignored texts, knocks on my door, and calls. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to talk. I just ruin everything, right?

I mean, so much for a family Christmas, or staying up super late and not sleeping on New Years. I missed all of that because of the stupid- I let out a mental sigh and looked up to see everyone staring at me. This time I let out a real sigh, and tried to walk past them only to feel someone grab my shoulder with a vice-like grip.

"Grace, you've got to talk to us. You can't just shut everyone off." Said Wanda, who, when I turned around to look at her, was staring at me with a concerned look in her eyes. I tapped into my wolf strength and pulled out of her grip. I can and will shut everyone out. I tried to walk to the elevator only to feel someone else grab onto my shoulder. I am so done with this.

Why can't they just leave me alone? This person's grip was stronger than Wanda's. Perfect. I tried to get out of it, but was unable to. I looked back to see Steve holding my shoulder. Well, at least it makes sense why I can't get out of his grip now. "Would you like to watch a movie with us?"

There were three options here. The first one was to go with them and hope they didn't try to force me to talk. The second one was that they would force me to come with them and I would be forced to talk. The third was that I ran away really quickly and hoped none of them would bother me, though that last one would be hard.

I... I should just go with them. I'll just shut up and not talk to any of them. At least I'll see a movie. I guess. I nodded and gave a fake smile, that they probably knew was fake, before going into the living/theater room area and curling up on the recliner so no one else could sit near me.

Someone turned on the TV to a random movie and they all watched it. I just sat there and zoned out, letting my thoughts swirl. Once we were done they made dinner, a simple ravioli with pesto sauce. I took a couple bites before putting my plate aside and getting up to go back to my room.

Now, in all honesty, I knew I should do something to try and improve my health... I just didn't like any of the methods. Heck, I've barely talked to anyone this past week. I got out of bed and have done a bunch of crap that hasn't seemed to help me in any way shape or form.

I walked past everyone. Their sympathetic stares bore into my soul. I hated it. Why couldn't I have just done it properly? Why couldn't I have ended it..? "Grace." I heard a person say from behind me. That person's voice was Peter. My twin brother... I paused on my trek to the elevator, waiting to see what he would say next. "Wanna... y'know... go out for ice cream?" I heard the extra emphasis he put on the 'go out for ice cream'. He meant superhero-ing.

I nodded and went up to my room to grab my suit. My suit. I hadn't touched it since I woke up after it. I found it in the back of the closet and stuffed it into my bag along with a bottle of water. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and took the elevator down to the first floor where Peter was waiting. He had a smile on his face as he grabbed my hand and brought me outside.

Together we walked to an alley and slipped into our suits. Then, we started on our normal route. We tuned into the police coms to hear about a robbery a few blocks away. We decided to just take it out together, and we were done really fast.

Surprisingly, this actually felt really good to do. I hadn't been out like this in a while. The breeze in my hair as I ran, the adrenaline from making split second decisions that save your life, it was all just so great.

Well, it was going perfectly until the Avengers showed up as we were chasing down a mugger. Of course, we heard them and basically just ignored them until we finished webbing up the mugger and making sure the person who was attacked was okay and safe at their home.

I had honestly forgotten about the whole 'Alpha Moon and Spider-Man are criminals that need to be stopped or at least have their identities revealed' thing. I suppose that would happen since it honestly wasn't one of the main things that was important when I was basically having eyes on me at all times in the compound and tower.

"You're coming with us." Iron Man said, both of his arms up with the palms out, preparing to shoot at Peter and I at a second's notice. I sighed and flicked my hand to make sure that my voice changer was on. I saw the little thing pop up on the bottom of my vision confirming it. That was good.

"Tin-Can," Peter addressed Tony. "We really must be getting back to our crime fighting. Or, alternatively we could just go home." he shrugged, his voice changer making him sound so much more mature with that. I flicked my ear as the wind irritated it.

"Just come with us and this will be nice and peaceful." Tin-Can threatened, as he stared at us. If we could see his expression in his suit then it would probably be a mix of anger and sternness? Why am I trying to predict his emotions? It doesn't matter. We just have to keep our identities a secret.

I sighed and made sure my claws were out. "That hasn't worked in the past. Why do you think it will work now?" I then saw the other Avengers appear around us. Now, you might think that this is bad, but I needed to size them up and make sure I could fight them or get away well enough. It wouldn't be good for us to try and run only to get caught by someone else. "Well.... this is unfortunate." I said to Peter via our mind link.

"Just a little bit." Peter looked around at everyone, trying to find any way out of our current situation. "Okay, on the count of three, run straight towards Iron Man. I've got a plan." I made a slight nod, not really sure how great an idea this was, but I trusted Peter. I watched as his three fingers went to two. Then, his fingers went from two to one. Then... "Go!"

At Peter's signal I ran full speed towards Tony, not paying attention to what Peter was doing. I leaped towards Tony, claws outstretched and tackled him, leaving scratches in his suit, before I got up and sprinted away. I jumped off the building onto a fire escape and slid down the side hoping that no one would catch me as I fell.

I heard people following me and sprinted away. I needed to get out of here. Wait... ice cream shop. I sprinted towards the ice cream shop. It was a couple blocks away and I didn't know if I had this much time, though I could certainly try. So that is what I was going to do.

I dodged a couple blasts of random stuff around me as I rushed to the ice cream store. When I got to the place I slipped inside, ignoring the shocked looks on everyone's faces as a full on superhero ran into the ice cream shop being chased by another bunch of superheroes. I slipped into the bathroom and locked the door. This was not good.

Much to my relief I had remembered correctly and there was a window. I heard them try to open the door. Rude. I jumped up and unlocked the window and opened it up. It was just big enough for me to slide out of. "You can't hide in there forever!" I heard from the other side of the door.

"You have a point!" I moved as fast as a lightning bolt. Well, not literally as fast as a lightning bolt obviously. I unlocked the door and leaped through the window hoping this would get me away. I growled in pain as my arm scratched the bricks. I rolled to land on the other side of the building and took off. To my relief it didn't seem like anyone was right after me.

I managed to get back to the alley and change into my normal clothes. Peter met me halfway back to the tower and together we went inside and pretended like nothing ever happened. It was a relief to not have been caught. Though, I have to admit, they have been getting better and closer every time... This could be a problem. The two of us went to bed without another word. We definitely were going to do that again. 

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Word count: 1,705

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