Chapter 10

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Grayish blur
Shaggy fur
Food is this night creature's lure...

It hit me like a bullet. I was thrust down to my hands and knees where the cool grass met my palms. I had been through this quite a few times, it's what happens on the full moon at midnight, but it was never the same when I willed myself to do it and when I was forced.

I forced myself to look at my hands as they grew black fur and started changing into small paws. The fur crept up my arms slowly changing to grey like a cat creeping up on a mouse. I let out a sharp cry as I felt my arms change to wolf legs and my feet into paws. My torso started to tingle as the fur crept up onto my neck. I felt my tail grow and I waged it a few times before my face changed. First my nose and mouth formed into a muzzle and my wolf ears grew on the top of my head while my human ears disappeared. Finally I felt my eyes change to my yellow wolf eyes and my vision changed to shades of red and blue, all yellow, most green, and most orange left my sight. Time to have some fun.

It's time...

Brown deer
Very near
It is brought down full of fear

I padded quietly over the leaves and roots in the woods. It was dark and the shades of purple, brown, and green were quite pretty at this time of night. I lowered my snout to the ground searching for a scent to follow. I followed a faint scent towards the river I had visited earlier in the day. It was a misty scent, one I wasn't familiar with, definitely not a squirrel or mouse or any small creature. I heard a clop, as if a horse had struck a rock with its hooves. I searched my mind for anything that could have made that sound in the woods.

I had listened to many animal noises so it wasn't something made by any night creature I had heard before. I padded towards it my tail swishing in the wind and my ears turning in an attempt to catch any bit of a similar sound. Crunch. There it was. Another sound. I diverted my path towards the new sound. The scent was now clearer, still musty and mixed with the leaf litter but I could smell a raw scent and a metallic scent combined. Definitely an animal that is most likely a mammal with hooves. I wonder which animal... either a moose or a deer? That much I could figure out by the weight of the animal.

My wolf instincts told me to hunt, to catch, to kill like the being I am. I made no sound as I walked closer to the sound. I rounded the corner and saw them. A herd of deer was laying on the ground getting their night's rest. They really were quite beautiful and if I actually had a phone that I could use I would definitely take a picture. Unfortunately phone screens and paws are not made to work together so I cannot use a phone while in my wolf form. I should really work on trying to invent something I can use... I'll ask Peter. He is much better at that than I am.

I saw an older female to the center. It's pelt was light brown, basically tan with it fading to white in some areas. I'd never hunted deer before so this was going to be a fun experience. I padded toward them and, because I love a good run/chase, I howled. The deer woke abruptly from their sleep and bolted. I growled as I chased them in order to give them a little more of a scare. Their little white tails were up in the air like a flag saying "We surrender please don't hurt us!" Hahaha funny joke... sorry. When I get in... this... I can be a little more aggressive.

I lowered myself closer to the ground and padded after them. I was faster than them, but they also could run for a while without tiring. I waited as they ran keeping pace far enough behind them that I could spot them, but so I wasn't risking getting kicked. I have seen horses kick and it is terrifying and I would much rather not break my ribs today. I saw the same older deer from earlier lagging behind struggling to keep up with the others.

They reached a river and most of them jumped over effortlessly except a fawn and the elder. I threw the fawn over carefully so I didn't hurt it and it bolted to its mother. Bye little fawn! Was nice meeting you even though you are most likely terrified of me! I sensed the fear radiating off of the animal next to me. I looked it over one final time in the glistening moon light. Thank you deer for this meal. I leaped onto it and sunk my teeth into its neck in a killing blow.

And before anyone says that this isn't good for the environment, it is. Watch any documentary on what happened when they removed the wolves from Yellowstone. The grass was all eaten so the roots weren't there and it caused erosion. I. Could. Go. On.

Deadly bite
Very tight
Every wolf will feast tonight

I felt the bones come in contact with my teeth and the flesh rip. The blood was warm and refreshing beneath my teeth. It's nice to not have to chase something ridiculously and still get to hunt. I don't know if I could go a full moon without hunting. It would suck. I tore a chunk of meat from the side placing my paws on the deer while I ate to signify that this was my kill and my meal. I kept eating and enjoying the time I am spending as a wolf. If I don't have a choice I might as well enjoy it...

I took another bite watching as blood trickled out of the wound I made. I looked up to see if I could find any hints of blue in the sky, but I didn't. Meaning that I was probably in my wolf form for another 30 minutes. Having raw meat has gotta be a great thing that I appreciate. I tore off another chunk and carried it with me leaving the rest of the half-eaten deer behind me. Some other animals will get it, and if not it will decompose and become part of the ground. More deer will come in the years to come.

An owl let out a who from the distance. The only sound piercing the silence of the woods at this time of night. It is quite pretty. A little orchestra put on by the forest creatures. The chirping of invisible crickets, the "whoing" of owls, the rustling of the leaves in the trees, and occasionally I join in with a few barks or howls of my own. He forest's own form of music. Like an a cappella choir of the woods. The forest jammers... that doesn't make sense since everything is so peaceful... like harmony.... but cooler! I love it! I howled filling the air with a sound that silenced most creatures that lived in the area. No one wants to mess with the big bad wolf.

A puppy dog smile formed on my face as I blended with the calm in the area. I wasn't in complete control and I didn't need to be, but I was near the top of the pack of the forest and that is what matters. Much better than school... anyways, that doesn't matter right now!

I dragged myself slowly back to the clearing. I was getting tired. Being in this form drains energy and even with what I had eaten and the amount of sleep I got the night before I was still getting to be exhausted. My tail and head started to droop as I got back and laid off to the side watching as the moon went down even lower than its current position.

My form expanded and much faster than the transformation from human to wolf. I was back to my human form but I could barely stand. I was so tired. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I don't know what will happen if I'm not back in the compound by tomorrow morning so I might as well get moving. I grabbed my backpack and shoved it on my back before I made the idiotic mistake of accidentally leaving it there. Who knows what would happen if I did that? Maybe someone would find it and then... no use worrying about a situation that won't happen.

The trek took 10 long and slow minutes before I was able to slip back into my room. I threw my bag off to the side of my room somewhere near where my desk was. I slipped into a new pair of clothes because my old ones were dirty. Then I plopped onto my bed with a soft thud. It didn't even take a full second for my eyes to shut and my vision to go black.

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Word Count: 1558

I loved writing this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I have a headache but not posting this will kill me so.......... enjoy!


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