Chapter 6

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As much as I love learning about the history of some things I can safely say that what my history teacher was teaching and how was absolutely, positively, boring me out of my mind. Thank goodness the bell was ringing. I quickly leapt out of my seat and rushed to my locker. I dropped my books and headed to the changing room for gym.

As I walked out of the changing room I barely had a second to relish the fact that this was my last class of the day before I saw a very annoyed looking Flash walk out of the boy's changing room. "Hey, Jerk-face." said Flash, with a grin on his face.

"Hello to you too, Jerky-Mc-Jerk-Face. How are you doing today." i paint a smirk on my face and put as much sass as I can muster into my words. "Personally, I am doing quite well." Bullies hate it when you fight back. Not only do they not expect it, but they can't only put you down as easily.

"Shut up!" He walked away towards where the gym coach was standing. In the remaining minute before class started I found Peter and warned him that I might have made flash a little bit mad again. Today was apparently a "fun day" so the coach decided we would play some dodgeball.

Surprisingly the game seemed pretty fair. It was me, Flash, and a bunch of other kids versus Peter and some other kids. Sure,maybe Flash isn't the best at everything, but he has a good throwing arm. Which led to him targeting Peter, but there wasn't much I could do about it so... Oh well. It is just a game after all.

Surprisingly Peter's team won, so a pat on the back to them. We didn't have enough time left for another game so we ended up just chillin' until school ended.

The bell rang and I made a beeline for the school entrance. I had told Mrs. Stark that I would be "going over to a friend's house to study for a test." Yep, totally where I'm going. No sarcasm whatsoever. Though, I had only taken a few steps towards the door when I realized that I was an idiot. I left some of my homework in my locker. I turned on my heel and headed inside.

As I walk I wonder if Peter is still at his locker? "Grace." I haven't heard from him since at the beginning of gym, and I didn't see him walking out the doors. I continued to walk down the hallway towards my locker. "Grace!" I hummed a little tune since no one else was around. I think it was "Scars" by RØZE. Another hallway or so before I get there. Then I can have some fun! "GRACE!!!" Peter screamed into the link.

I froze in shock, causing me to trip over my feet and almost face-plant on the ground. "Peter? How long have you been trying to get me? Are you ok?" Instinctively I stood up and allowed my wolf hearing to help me locate them. It didn't even take me a second to find Flash's voice. It was in the next hallway so I started sprinting towards it.

"Penis Parker! Why were you out for two days? Run head first into a mailbox again? Or try and run away and fail?" He got a laugh out of his cronies for that one. His smirk only widened at his next comment, "Even if you did run away I bet they wouldn't try and find you. It's not like you are going to get adopted anyways." Now that is too far.

"Eugene, I suggest you shut up and leave." I gave him an angry look from where I was standing around the corner. He whipped around and growled at me. Peter was using the distraction to grab his stuff and run the other way. I wouldn't mind if he decided to make me the target of his bullying, but I will not stand for him making Peter the target of his bullying.

I stopped and stared, keeping on a serious. He stared at me right in the eyes and after a moment of considering it I walked up to his face so no one else was in my eye line. I stared him straight in the eyes and flashed them my wolf's yellow. "What have I said about bullying people? It's not nice and is no proper way to let off any negative energy. Try therapy or a gym, not my brother."

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