Chapter 8

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The elevator door to the common room, or living room as some may call it. I walked out of the door and into the small hallway, pausing when I heard voices. I slid off my headphones and walked a little closer, tuning into my wolf hearing so I could hear what they were talking about. I was close enough that I could easily hear, but not close enough so I could see.

Tony was pacing at the edge of the room. I could hear his footsteps getting nearer and further again and again. I understand why he was pacing anyways. Not only had he missed Alpha Moon but he had practically let her go. "Tony, just tell us the details." Said the Black Widow in a calm voice. She's always calm from what I've seen.

Tony didn't stop his pacing so I heard Steve start talking. "We had her cornered on a rooftop. Tony and I were in front of her and Rhodey was on a building behind her." I mean, technically you hadn't cornered me. I still had down... though that probably wouldn't have been the greatest idea. "We started talking to her and she looked like she was somewhat agreeing with us until she smelled a fire or something."

"So enhanced smell? That could be something we could use to our advantage." I heard murmurs of agreement. I mean, that's true. They could potentially use some chemical to make me pass out and... why am I plotting against myself? Oh yeah, because now I need to plan for that so it doesn't happen.

"She went off into the fire and she jumped off of the fourth story and landed in the ground. She stayed on the ground for a second before dashing off incredibly fast." Was it really that fast? I mean, it didn't feel very fast. It felt like I was on the ground in front of everyone for a minute, and then when I ran away it definitely wasn't as fast as it could have been. "Tony tried to follow her but lost her around 32nd Street."

I heard multiple sighs from all of the Avengers. Am I really that much of a pain? I mean, I'm doing good, not evil. Maybe I should just turn myself in? No! They wouldn't treat me the same afterwards, and what if they prevent me from going out to be Alpha Moon? That would be a legit nightmare come true.

"Maybe we should try next." I heard another person say. I wonder who he is? I don't recognize his voice other than the fact that it is definitely male. It would make sense if I don't know them, I haven't met all the Avengers yet.

"Vision, are you sure we want to do this." I heard Wanda say. Wait, oh no. I cannot have her come after us. She can mess with minds, can't she? If she reads my mind and finds out who I truly am then that's a problem. I wonder if there is anyway for me to prevent her from doing that without physically hurting her so she can't focus. There's gotta be some way for me to do that. I started brainstorming to see if I could come up with any ideas for stopping it. I decided that this was as good a time as ever to disrupt the conversation. I slipped my headphones back on and walked into the room pretending to be too invested in my music to care if anyone else was in the room.

"Grace!" I put on a quick surprised act and pulled one of the sides of the headphones off my ear.

"Yes?" I turned around to face where Wanda had called me. My mouth went into an 'o' when I realized that this was how I made my first impression on the rest of the Avengers. Maybe this wasn't the best idea? I quickly glanced over the holograms floating around the common room and the display on the tv before directing my attention back to everyone. They really seem to have nothing better to do than try and hunt Alpha Moon and Spiderman.

I glanced back to Wanda to see her face briefly switch to an expression of curiosity and worry. "Wait, did you hear anything we were talking about?" Ugh, why did you throw that on me. Sure, I'm good at lying, but I'm not sure I would be able to do it in front of them. I can try?

"I mean, I bet it would be pretty cool to hear what you guys were talking about, but unfortunately no." Sarcasm throughout the whole thing. Don't know if I'm lying or not. I felt like someone was staring at me, but ignored the feeling. I mean, I should say hi to Tony. That was when I remembered that all the Avengers were in the room staring at me. "Oh," I said kind of nervously. "Hello everyone, I'm Grace." Dang that was awkward.

After quite a few awkward greetings in which I met the world's most famous heroes and a lot of hearing "You've got a good grip" and "Nice to meet you"s we all settled down at the counter top. Most of them were talking in their own little groups while eating the pasta and meatballs that Mr. Rodgers had made. I've got to admit that he is a really good cook. This food is spectacular!

After dinner was over I asked Tony if I could be excused. Though I actually called him Tony instead of Mr. Stark. Though he had a large grin on his face and didn't seem to that I called him Tony. In fact, he seemed to like it.

I changed out of my clothes into something a little more comfortable. The day had went decently well so far so I decided to test my luck and visit the news channels. Haha, what a mistake that was.

I started reading and soon enough I was devastated. The article was talking about a robbery at the north end of Queens that happened while I was trapped with Iron man, Captain America, and Rhodey. If only they had let me go instead of trapping me then maybe Kaylee would have been able to alert me that the robbery that was happening so I could have saved those people. I directed my attention to the big window on the side of my wall. The few stars I could see gleamed in the moonlight and, speaking of moonlight, tomorrow looked to be the full moon. That's gonna be one interesting time now that I actually have to figure out how I'm going to get around Tony and Pepper...

I'll figure it out tomorrow. I directed my attention back to my phone where the sad article was waiting. Why couldn't I have saved them? If the Avengers had left me alone instead of trying to get me to give my real identity. Why does it even matter who I really am when I'm saving innocent lives from the baddies? Stupid stupid stupid! I've been able to stop most things in the city including the Vulture, but I can't stop a robbery.

A voice in my head told me to stop beating myself up over what happened. That it couldn't have been helped, so I listened to that voice and soon enough I was back to my normal self. I logged into my computer and started working on an essay I had for English that was about any nature related topic and I, of course, had chosen nightlife in the woods since I already knew so much about it.

Soon enough I was lost in my own little world of make-believe playing in the woods. Hunting little squirrels and playing hide-and-seek with another wolf which was great. I jumped when I heard the door open to my room to see Pepper looking in probably to say goodnight to me. Of course I replied with the proper goodnight. Time flew until I fell into a fitful sleep. 

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Word Count: 1348

Hey everyone,
Sorry I missed yet another update last week. Hopefully soon I'll be back on track for everything! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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