Chapter 13

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TW: Panic Attack, Sensory Overload Thingymabob

The flashback had already hit me hard enough and having to run from two superheroes wasn't helping. The hot tears were piling up over my eyes blinding me from seeing as clearly as normal. Why can't people just leave me alone!? While running I felt a pebble slip from under my foot and only just caught myself from falling to the ground. If I fell they'd probably take me in.

I heard calls from behind me, and to be honest, they sounded kind of caring. They are definitely faking it though like everyone else. I felt one tear break free, then two more, then another group. I shook my head while I was running at full speed, wishing, wanting the sadness and other overwhelming emotions to just leave me alone. This was going to go one of two ways, at least that I can tell. They catch me and get my identity, or they catch me and I manage to escape. In my current state there was no way I were to escape their sight by just running.

I kept trying to run with blurred vision over the rooftops, but it really wasn't working. I had to slow before every jump to make sure I didn't underestimate the length and under-jump or jump to early and, knowing that both of them could easily happen, it wasn't very good. Why now and why me?

I felt occasional tears trickle down my face and occasional shakes from a sob grabbed me. I went to jump over the next gap and felt my foot slam into a piece of cement before I went toppling over the edge. I used my momentum to right myself and soften my landing as I fell into a dumpster. It might have not been very clean landing, since it is trash, but I'd say that it was better than hitting cement and possibly either breaking a bone or getting the wind knocked out of me.

I twitched my wolf ears and felt a sharp pain in one. With a quick movement of my hand I felt a little bit of a warm sticky liquid commonly known as blood trickling out of a wound. I got up and saw a small piece of glass with a jagged edge. So that's what caused that. I hopped out and heard a voice behind me. Why does the world hate me? Maybe I deserve it... I ran down the alley only to discover the small alleyway that I thought was an escape route was a dead-end.

"Kaylee, any possible escape routes?" I asked looking up and down the walls. They were to smooth for me to climb using my claws, and from what I could see there wasn't much else for me to use. Well, there is a chance that I could dig my claws into the wall and climb up that way, but that could cause me to injure myself and it wasn't exactly the fastest method away from the situation.

"There is a gutter pipe in the far corner, but it is rusted and, with some quick calculations, unless you found away to distribute your weight over most of the whole thing it would break if you put to much weight in any area. There is also the possibility that you would be able to brace yourself on both walls and climb up that way." The first option is to risky and I could injure myself further and the second option would take to long. I knew it was gonna end this way, it was a gut feeling. I brought one of my gloved hands up to my eye and wiped away a tear or two on the verge of spilling.

I decided that I would take this exactly how I think a teenage girl would take this. Though I don't think my judgement n how a teenage girl would take this is valid because I'm not the average teenage girl. Anyways, I would go sit in the corner and wait. This could also help by making me look smaller and more vulnerable than I am. That way I could strike if they decided to attack me. I walked over, not caring to run, and sat down pulling my knees to my chest. I will be as tight of a ball as not-so-humanly possible.

I heard them land on n the ground not to far from where I was sitting. Slowly they took steps closer and closer, footsteps getting louder and louder. They rounded the corner, and there they were in all their glory. The Scarlet Witch and Vision. The wave of their emotions was decently simple. Mostly because Vision was an AI and although he does have emotions they aren't the normal ones that I can sort of spell/sense. Wanda, on the other hand, had a mix of curiosity, aggressiveness, and... I'm not sure what the other one I'm sensing is.

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