Chapter 7

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I sat with my feet dangling off the top of one of the older apartment buildings in the city. It was Friday, four days after when Hawkeye and Black Widow came for me and Peter. It's hard to imagine that that was the way that I met them for the first time. Well, other than Leipzig. Technically I didn't meet them though, I only fought against one and helped the other one.

Wait, wasn't the battle of Leipzig allowing everyone to have their identities told to the government of something else of the sort and be controlled by them? We were on the good side and now we haven't even told them? Hm, that's quite hilarious, good side and now we are being chased by pretty much every avenger. Well, that's what it seems to be.

Maybe we shouldn't have joined Mr. Stark and just remained neutral. Actually, that probably wouldn't have gotten us anywhere. We probably would have just been hunted down sooner.

I hadn't been out as Alpha Moon the whole week because of the thing with the Avengers. Today was different though, Peter was at a sleepover with Ned and I was bored. So here I am, sitting on a rooftop as Alpha Moon for the first time this week.

It had been a relaxing time so far with not too many problems. An old lady who needed help crossing the street, and a bike theft. Nothing new, or so I thought. That's when I heard the faint roar of repulsor Jets from behind me and in front of me, and the quiet steady breathing of a person.

I pretended like I didn't hear them until it was rather obvious that they were there. "Hey, why are you here?" I didn't turn around and tried to keep my tail from twitching. I couldn't see anyone in front of me but judging by the fact that I heard more of Stark technology behind me Rhodey was probably there.

"You need to come with us." Said Captain America in a calm tone. He probably didn't want to seem as aggressive as Mr. Barton and Miss Romanoff did. "Just so that Fury can identify who you are."

I had programmed Kaylee to automatically turn on my voice changer when she heard one of the avengers. "Why though? I haven't been hurting anyone. Only helping." I caught a faint waft of smoke in the air and stifled a cough thinking that it was just some chimney or exhaust system somewhere. I didn't need them figuring out that I had enhanced hearing or smell.

"Because, if you don't come with us we are going to have to use force." I heard Mr. Stark say. I heard the faint whirring of a repulsor blast powering up coming from his suit. "Besides, only one of you today. Much much easier." I heard his tone and realized he was underestimating me. I stifled another cough and heard the faint scream of a siren. Wait, this is my chance!

"Hey, Tin-can and Capri-sun, I got away from an assassin yesterday so why shouldn't I be able to get away from you?" I heard a snicker from one of them. Who? I couldn't tell. "Also, there is a fire a few blocks away. Captain, you can probably hear the sirens. I kind of need to take care of that so if you will so kindly let me go do that maybe I'll talk to you afterwards."

Both of the superheroes took a step back and I, even if I wasn't supposed to, went to run towards the fire.

I leapt from rooftop to rooftop in an attempt to be as fast as possible until finally I could clearly see flames and smoke rising up into the air in the distance. With the amount of fires that happen in this area I'm surprised they don't just make all the buildings fireproof, though that would be expensive. I quickly slip down the fire escape on the side of the building and darted towards the building. I had Kaylee scan the building for signs of life. I heard some faint cheers from behind me. Why thank you wonderful civilians! Your friendly neighborhood Alpha Moon is here to save the day because it get's her away from the superheroes trying to discover her identity.

As I stepped into the building I felt the wave of heat strike me as smoke and soot infiltrated my lungs. I saw the nearest staircase and leaped into it before jumping up to the next floor. It wasn't one of the tallest buildings in the city, only 10 stories high, but with the amount of smoke in the air I was getting tired and it was progressively getting harder to breath. I knew it wasn't safe to stay in there for very long.

I got to the fifth story in a matter of seconds and I saw a young man cowering in the corner. I rushed over and helped him up directing him to the staircase that he rushed towards. I searched the remainder of the floor before heading up the next two floors. I scanned through the growing smoke clouds. I coughed and knew that I was running out of time.

I leapt up to the top floor and heard a large crack before the ceiling collapsed. I barely had enough time to save myself but it was only worse when I heard a scream come from behind me. Behind me was a middle-aged woman with her leg trapped under the ceiling rubble. I dashed through the rubble and started digging through the rubble. A lot of it had gotten itself flattened. I let out my claws and dug into the material faster until finally, after a lot of digging and some pretty torn suit gloves, the woman's leg was freed.

The woman had stopped her screaming and looked like she was losing air fast. I grabbed her in my arms and rushed down the stairs. I only had made it about halfway when I heard a loud rumbling noise and felt the ground grow weak. I made a split second decision that I probably could have done better and jumped out the window.

I felt myself suspended, weightless, in midair and looked around for a decent place to land. I probably would be fine if I landed directly down, but the shock amounts could still hurt. Time seemed to slow as the ground creeped closer. Then I saw Captain America and Ironman standing on the roof watching me. I knew that I had to get out as soon as I landed or else I would probably be caught and forced to talk with them. Well, I could probably escape, but running and hiding is tiring.

Time felt like it sped up before I hit the ground and walked over to the ambulance and put the woman down. I heard the faint questions of "Are you ok?" and "Let us help you." I didn't respond though. That's when the shock hit me and the adrenaline died down. I dropped to the ground keeping my conscience stable. My skin seared as the burns from the fire took hold of me. The pain from jumping from four stories weakened me. I heard gasps around me as people crowded trying to figure out why a hero was on the ground.

Someone approached me but before they could touch me I growled unintentionally. My wolf side was coming out in order to protect me. They quickly took a step back and I tried to apologize, though it was getting more and more difficult to stay fully human. I had to get out of there now!

I stood up and another shot of pain dashed through me. I whimpered. It was getting worse. The crowd backed up as I looked around. Everything was turning more into my wolf-like vision. If I didn't calm down soon this was going to be a lot worse than intended.

I heard the distant call of Tin-can, but ignored him and dashed off. I ran blindly through the streets with no particular destination in mind. I didn't hear anyone following me, though that could be amazing or absolutely horrible. I saw a fenced off alleyway and hopped over the fence. Technically illegal, but I needed to get out of sight. I sat in the corner, hugging the wall as tightly as I could. Unless the people chasing me flew over from in front of me they probably wouldn't see me with the lip of the building. I needed to calm down and let my wounds heal before my wolf took over and then I had to deal with her.

After a few minutes of just sitting I finally started to feel myself have mostly full control, which is normal in this form. I snuck back through some secret paths to my bag before changing into my normal clothes. I called Peter and gave him a brief description of what happened before reassuring him a gazillion times that I was fine.

As I walked down the street I pulled some beef jerky from my bag and ate it up real quick before grabbing another pack and chowing down. That immediately felt better and I healed my wounds more. They burns and bruises won't be fully healed for another couple days so I've got to make sure no one notices. Peter may work well in the heat but not in the cold, but I work better in the cold and worse in the heat.

I slowed my pace and let out a little yip inaudible to anyone else. I felt fine except for some dull pains from my injuries and a headache that was growing bigger by the second. Gosh darn it why? I escaped some Avengers with ease as well as I helped people out of a building fire. Which is always good. But a headache now? Darn it!

I sighed and continued the rest of the long-ish trek home.

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Word Count: 1,674

So here we are. Another week gone by. In total today I posted three chapters. One FSaF chapter, one Baking in Quaratine chapter, and a Lone Wolf chapter. Overworking myself because yes! Anyways, I hope all of you had an amazing week! Stay safe!


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