Chapter 12

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I fingered the small leather pouch in my fingers. It was made of black leather with dark grey stitches holding it together at the seams. The leather was slightly worn from its use over the years, or just from the times when I ripped it open to get to what was inside for whatever reason. It had been forever since I used the object inside and I'm not sure I want to use it again after what I did last time I used it. I fingered the metal clasp keeping it closed at the moment. I debated on whether I should open it or not. It would be nice... No, not yet. I don't need to do that again.

I was sitting in my room on my bed. I had skipped breakfast which probably wasn't good for my fast metabolism, though I didn't particularly care. Everything will be just fine! After a couple more minutes I put the leather pouch back in the bottom of my drawer where no one would see or find it unless they were specifically looking for it.

I didn't know what to do. I had texted my friends earlier in hopes that maybe one of them would respond and we could talk, whether that be through text, call, or meeting up, but none of my friends had responded. They probably were busy or didn't want to text you at the moment. I looked at the bustling streets below and heard a faint siren's call. Time to go.

I ripped open the place I kept my suit hidden in and slipped it on. "Peter, you getting ready?" I asked while I let my wolf side out and my vision changed into a wolf's vision. The familiar shades of purple and blue were back, though since I wasn't fully a wolf I could still see the other colors like green, but they were more muted by the blues.

"I'm ready. Are you?" Peter responded. My tail finished growing and my ears joined them. I paced back and forth before opening the window. The drop was quite far, though I didn't mind. I knew Peter would catch me. He had never failed before and wouldn't today.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" I jumped out the window and felt the adrenaline hit me as I fell 100 feet. I activated the little flying-squirrel-like attachments on my sides and guided myself down to a nearby rooftop. "Where to, Kaylee?" I started running and jumping from roof to roof towards where I heard the sirens earlier.

"There is a car crash three blocks straight ahead of here. One injured and one passed out. Though the police have already arrived and are handling the situation. Three blocks to your right there is a small street fight." Ok, so I can't really do anything about the crash that already happened, so onto the street fight. I ran towards it.

Peter went off in a different direction to deal with his own crime while I quickly and smoothly broke up the fight between some random citizens. I patrolled for a little bit longer and unfortunately, I mean not that unfortunate since that means that the city is safe, no more crime showed up. Easy days like this are always nice, at least they are in my opinion.

I found Peter sitting on a fire escape after just running around the city for a little while. He looked bored, and I came up with a perfect idea! "Change out of your suit and meet me at the bottom of this building." I slipped down the fire escape and slipped off my suit so I was in normal clothes, and waited for Peter to come and meet me. Within a few minutes he was down next to me. "Come!" I grabbed onto his arm and dragged him along the streets.

The streets grew more and more familiar as I neared the part of the town that I had been to many, many times. I saw a large apartment-like building in the distance and I sped up my pace making sure Peter stayed caught up with me. By now he had noticed where we were going and he was running with me.

I approached the old building looking up and down it until my eyes were diverted to the sign. Queen's Orphanage, it read. My home for two years... Together we approached the large dark brown, wooden door and we both knocked with smiles on our face. The sound reverberated around the inside and shuffling was clearly heard as someone came to answer the door.

That someone was Mrs. White, the "mother" of the orphanage. Basically she was the one in charge. She opened the door and her kind smile grew to be the size of her face. "Grace, Peter, what are you two doing here?" She opened the door wider and moved aside to let both of us in.

"We came to visit you and the kids!" Peter went in closely followed by me. It also didn't seem to take long for the kids to realize we were here and come flooding down to greet us with hellos and hugs. There were also some new faces, which although it's unfortunate, the kids had been moved from an abusive home to here, which is nice.

"Grace! What awe you doin' here?" I looked at Sally who I had started talking to on the couch. It hadn't even been a month and it seemed that so much had changed. Her two front teeth, which had been very loose the last time I saw her, had now fallen out.

"Well, I came to visit you! You look great!" She smiled and bounced up and down in excitement. I waited patiently for her to respond. It seemed that she was deep in thought or something, which I didn't mind, Thinking is a good thing.... most of the time.

"Well, according to Ms. White a nice family came over and decided to adopt me!" She deserves this so much more than I did. Such a kind, sweet, girl who likes me for whatever reason. I smiled before giving her another hug.

"That's great! Have fun at your new home! I'm always only a phone call away." I had taught her the basics of how to use a phone and had scribbled my phone number onto a piece of paper that I gave to her to store in her backpack. She took it with a smile before going off to play with the other kids. The playroom will be a mess soon enough.

One by one the little ones came up to me and we had a few small conversations while they told me what had happened in their life since I left. I smiled, I swear these kids could cure any sorrow. At least I think they could.

We stayed for lunch, which were simple sandwiches such as PB&J and ham and cheese. It was altogether a good time when we saw our old "siblings". Unfortunately time flies when you are having fun and soon it was late and time to return home. One perfect Saturday.

Peter headed home earlier so I decided to take my time on the way back. No reason to rush when they probably wouldn't notice I wouldn't be there immediately...

I should go home, but I don't really want to or care. I slipped on my suit and jumped to the roof dangling my legs off the edge. I checked my messages to see no texts, which is fine. I'll see people soon enough.

My ears felt droopy and my nose felt hot and I couldn't figure out why. I fought it off and sat. When was anyone gonna care text me? Might as well run the experiment now rather than later. Interesting experiments to try out with a family, other than...

I had tried everything. Talking in real life, giving subtle hints, straight up telling people, but of course they didn't listen. Why would they? It's not like I mattered in the first place.

I sat shaking on the bed of my new "home" with all these little "brothers and sisters" of mine. I felt a hot tear slide down my face. I tried to stop them from falling. Tried to stop it from showing, but it only made it worse and before I knew it I was all out crying. I locked the door and flopped on the floor. My nose felt hot. It burnt as the tears felt.

I eyed my drawers, but I didn't do anything. It only had been getting worse; my life, the voice... I don't know why the voice exists. Truth be told I think it's a stupid yet harmful thing.

I remember when I first heard it and how confused and saddened I was. I didn't feel like dealing with it so I ignored it and that definitely helped. Note the sarcasm. It became more persistent and led to more nights like this. Then it went mostly away, then came back, and endless cycle. The Voice and I had a love/hate relationship and I don't think I'd want it any other way.

I snapped back to reality rather violently, but that's when I felt another person in my presence. One with emotions I couldn't tap into. And yet, there was someone else there. Human, but at the same time not quite human... wait... run.

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Word Count: 1577

Sorry for posting a day late, this week hasn't been the best for me. Make sure to go check out my new one-shots book From Fluff to Angst | Sanders Sides One-shots. Anyways, have an amazing day!


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