Chapter 26

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TW: Slight sexuality/romantic orientation crisis

"You need to go back to school eventually, Grace." I sighed at Tony's statement. This was the third time this week we had gotten into this conversation. I was so done with it. "I just want to know an estimate of when you will be ready so we can plan." I bit my tongue to hold back another sigh.

If I was being completely honest I would rather go through the whole process of trying to die again then go back to school, and, surprisingly enough, it was not because of the shitty people there like Flash and my shitty ex-friend group. Wow. My language has gone up a lot. Cap would be very disappointed. That's besides the point! It was because school gave me so much freedom. It isn't hard to sneak out of school and skip while traveling anywhere in the city. I feel safe here. I don't feel safe there.

Heck, it was even worse than patrolling where I literally face death head on. For that I only go out with Peter and we are constantly in contact throughout the entire thing. I don't wanna go. "Please, Tony, listen. I don't know." So far I hadn't given him a straight answer. Heh. No. Not now. We'll get into that later.

"Why don't you know? Can you please give me an answer?" Tony was pleading with me again, and considering I had to finish my meal before I could leave... and I only felt okay if I ate slowly.... he would be here for a while... and so would I.

I lifted my head from where I was fooling around with the spaghetti on my plate. Just kinda pushing it around. I would finish it. I could eat a meal almost at normal size again. The therapy had actually started to help... It does wonders. If you need it, get it. There's no shame in asking for help. Trust me, even I struggle with this.

"Tony... I..." I should just tell him. Maybe he could find a way to help. He could! He's the playboy (not anymore), billionaire, genius, philanthropist! Genius being the key word in that list of things. I looked him in the eyes. "I... I don't feel safe. It's not the people there it's just... I don't know. This is so stupid. The school doesn't have the best security and it's not hard at all to sneak out. I... I don't want to start falling into my old habits and sneak out and... y'know."

Tony nodded, stroking the beard on his chin. "It's not stupid. That makes sense actually. Well, I have an idea. I'm sure with a little bit of money..." He did not mean a little. He meant as much as necessary. "First, we can try and switch all the classes that you have the same as Peter to actually be with him. That way if you need anything he will be right there. Second, I'll make you a watch. It can hold the time, but if you feel like everything is getting too much all you'll have to do is press a single button and it will alert me, Pepper, and Peter. Then one of us can come pick you up so you don't get even more overwhelmed."

I nodded, feeling a little better about that idea. "That would be very nice... thank you, Tony." I paused for a second, "how long until you can make and finish the watch?"

"You know me! I could have it done by tonight if you wanted!" I frowned at him, not in a 'I'm sad' way, more in a 'you are not doing that' way.

"Pepper would not appreciate that."

"You have a very fair point." Tony said. "Well, I have to help Pepper with some things tomorrow. So... if you want.... maybe...." Today was a Thursday. "How about Saturday?" Saturday would be good. I was caught up on the school work I needed to know while I was... gone. Peter was able to get it from the teachers... with a little help from Pepper. She's scary when she wants to be. So, if I got it Saturday then I could use a week for troubleshooting. Then... not next week but the week after. That sounded good in my opinion.

"That sounds amazing." I took a deep breath and summoned my non-existent courage. "Then maybe I could go back not next week, but the week after?" This could be good. Though... seeing everyone after everything. I am not excited for that. Well, at least Ned and MJ would be over shortly tomorrow, so I could talk to them then.

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