Chapter 20

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It was Thanksgiving morning. The previous week had gone by at an unbearably slow speed, and after school on Tuesday we traveled up to the compound so we could celebrate Thanksgiving with all of the Avengers. Well, more like Tony and Pepper could celebrate with the Avengers and Peter and I could tag along. Peter seemed to be enjoying it though so I saw no reason to complain.

At the compound there was a fresh layer of puffy white snow coating the ground and trees in the surrounding area. I'd gotten to play in the snow in my wolf form once before, and it was amazing. Bounding over snowbanks and getting to catch the snowballs Peter threw, only to have them explode when they hit my muzzle, was just really fun for some odd reason.

The only downside about the cold outside was the spiderbite. Since spiders don't do well in the cold, and, since Peter is part-spider, he doesn't do well in the cold. Starting with a headache that soon goes to a sensory overload. It's annoying when the weather affects how you are doing as if you were an animal. Wait, we are part-animal. Wooooow... note the sarcasm.

I opened my eyes to see the familiar surroundings of my room that was in the compound. Maybe I could go out in the snow and not deal with all the Avengers right in the morning. I don't get very cold easily so I can probably go out there for a few hours. I let out a yawn and rolled over to see the time on the clock. Unfortunately. it was 9:13 am. Ugh.

I got up and headed over to the door to Peter's room. After I knocked a few times I heard a muffled come in. I opened the door and stepped through the doorway. Peter was curled up in bed surrounded by a mountain of blankets and pillows. His laptop was resting on the top of his pillow mountain. The scene was enough to get a small chuckle out of me.

"Cold treating you well?" I asked with a hint of humor in my tone as I walked over to his bedside. He shook his head and adjusted one of his blankets. "Oof. Well, Happy Thanksgiving!" I said trying to force as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could so that it sounded genuine, but it didn't sound forced. "I'm thinking that, in honor of the first snowfall of the year, we go outside and play in the snow like first graders."

I heard a snort of laughter come from Peter at the 'first graders' comment. "Sure." He replied, as he lifted his head to observe his gigantic pillow and blanket mountain range. "I just- Can you grab my computer so it doesn't fall?" I nodded and grabbed it off the pillow mountain. "One request, don't accidentally let me freeze."

"Who said I would do that accidentally?" I joked. A good day today is. Yoda I am apparently. I looked back at him as he turned over and glared at me. I saw his smirk to late, and soon all his blankets had me smothered on the ground. "Peter!" I whined from under the blankets. "You told me to protect your laptop, and then you knocked me over!"

I heard his fake maniacal laugh before he started on his quote unquote evil monologue. "Now that I have captured Grace I will bring her outside and force her to build a snowman with me! I am truly evil!" I let out a string of giggles at this.

I dug myself out from the pile of blankets and let a cheer filled bark slip out. I hurried back into my room and in a matter of seconds I was changed into proper clothes for outside. With my jacket, gloves, hat, and boots in my hand I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Peter was waiting for me. He also carried all the essentials in his hands, but he had two layers of pants, a t-shirt covered by a spider-man sweatshirt I got him as a gag gift a couple years ago. "Come on!" Excitement flowed through my tone.

We raced through the compound to the entrance, only stopping to put on the remainder of our snow gear, before launching ourselves into the powdery white stuff outside. Like most snow, it had some advantages and some disadvantages. It was powdery in the shade, but in the sun it was amazing packing snow. I grabbed some quickly and chucked a snowball at Peter. It hit his square in the shoulder. "You be glad you're not a threat." I laughed at that. His Spidey-sense only went off when danger was near.

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