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I could feel it in the air, through my body-in my heart. I was breathing it. So familiar, yet so different each time. The smell of incense wafting over you, the heat radiating from everyone around you, and the soft voices floating through the room. It's all the same. But there's that twinge of nervousness, like a mother leaving her child for the first time or your first kiss. It's there and no matter how many times I experienced this very same thing-it's never became old to me. It held the same beautiful draw it always did. So hypnotic and ethereal, that surely it couldn't be real. But you know it is.

You feel like you're suffocating, your heart hammering so hard that you think you're dying. But then you hear it. This music-you can just feel the life in it. The tension builds inside of you. You're tired of waiting. You want the show to start already. And just when you think you can't handle it anymore the music, spilling over the speakers stops. The room falls silent, waiting. Anticipating

The lights flashed around me. Blue. Green. Red.

The bass ripped through the ground, trembling.

The rattle of the drum as the stick came down.

The wail of the guitar as the riff blasted out at us.

And then the best part-the part everyone is waiting for. The lights explode, illuminating the band. They hunch over their instruments making something out of nothing as their fingers run over strings or grip sticks. The crowd screams desperately, after all hope had seemed lost, as the song begins. And in the moment when the words spill over you, you know what living really feels like.

* * * AUTHOR'S NOTE * * *

I broke my silent rule.

I was going to try and keep it to one story at a time, because I have a real issue with staying focused--but shit happens. Namely, Jim Morrison's birthday being today. It inspired me to post this.

So this is just a short prologue but I hope you liked it. This story is probably one of the ones I'm not Estes in. I'll be walking down a hallway or driving and something will hit me to include. But more will be coming! :)

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