A/N: Visual References

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This is the reference page. If you can't remember what a certain character looks like and keep mixing up the 3858289531 characters in this, here's a list of the traits that I will most likely mention more. Keep this open in a second tab or something.

Main Twelve:

Rosaluma: Fire Goddess, honey-blonde with the tips dyed dark pink and navy, hazel eyes, gray hoodie, dark purple rectangular glasses, combat boots

Eleanor: Water Goddess, curly-haired redhead, grey T-shirt and jeggings, also has purple rectangular glasses

Ophelia: Nature Goddess, brown-skinned, big glasses, butterfly wings

June: Thunder God, black hair in a short ponytail, cherry blossom jacket, t a l l

Koumei: Wind God, Japanese, mute, wears a hakama, feather headdress and a long white scarf

Lizzy: Earth Goddess, green haired, has a vine-tail,

Atticus: Light Deity, short pigtails, big round glasses, hoodie with the words "^%&$ off", nonbinary

Nyx: Night Goddess, wire-framed glasses, long dark hair, wearing all black

Tronso: Ice god, blond boy, has a cape

Calandra: Magic Goddess, long dark hair, black jacket with purple embroidery (changes to suit her mood) and a violet pendant

Farrah: Time goddess, white haired, white dress

Faceless: Steel God, has a plague doctor mask, old man, has bloodstained robes and apron.

Other Gods:

Inferno: Ow the edge - I mean dark hair, dark clothes, dark everything, edgy red eyes, looks like a wannabe Shadow The Hedgehog

Cielo: Dark skinned, curly dark hair, brown eyes, radiates with a golden aura, and also wears a bathrobe most of the time, or just a T-Shirt and pants.


Midnight the Raven

Sketchy the Arctic Fox

Seven Noble Guardians:

Helene: Peach, with long wavy hair

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Helene: Peach, with long wavy hair

Neala: Orange, with short wavy hair

Argelia: Purple, with short-ish wavy hair

Krystal: Blue, with bangs that cover her eyes and extremely short hair

Xena: Silver, with straight hair

Rachelle: Red, with short hair that flares out all over the place


Screaming Girl: Brunette with a ponytail. Has a lavender hair clip with a single dyed lock of hair forming some kinda music note. Periwinkle hoodie, jeans, and violet sneakers. Also has an umbrella/parasol for beating people up.

Bird of Screaming Girl: Pastel blue parrotlet. Smol but angery.

Other Side Characters/Species:

Q.U.A.C.K.: A goose with knives in its feathers and with a chainsaw. Totally is not creepily staring at you from the toilet. Please do not feed.

Fireballs: Podoboos with legs

- Ophelia's Fireball Friend: Dead

Flaura: Humans with wooden torsos and roots for legs. Usually have an odd circly marking somewhere on their arms or head.

- Amelia has her hair in blond braids.

Uran: Fish with T H I C C human legs. I am not sorry.

Neptu: A fish with a mermaid tail. Enjoys lettuce.

Boring Humans: Boring Humans

Sparktrals: Just think of a ghost. Now put electricity on it. Bam.

5P1D3R5: L33T ELECTRIC SPIDERS usually wearing secret swag glasses

- 4r4chn0z4p: Pretty much just the bigger version of a 5P1D3R. Drinks Mountain Dew.

Burrocks: Imagine a round-ish rock. Now imagine six conicular rocks floating around it. Those are legs.

- Malber is gray, while its friends Cratlys, Nagriet and Lyber are blue, pink, and green respectively.

Cirren: Cloud spirit that looks kind of like the Gemini thing in Cuphead. I'm sorry I had to resort to this.

- All Cirrens look the same aside from hairstyle. Claves' is flat and Ori's is a bun.

- Spirit Instruments do not change appearance. They're pulled out of absolutely nowhere.

Lumians: Glass sculptures of human heads on top of pillars. Not very smooth and kinda geometrical. All of them are incredibly dusty for some reason...

Lichladies: Skulls with tendrils of shadow underneath them, with glowing eyes in their skulls.

- Elaine's eyes are amber. She also wears a silver star-patterned cloak.

Dammos: Creatures with stubby legs, long stubby arms (with hands in gloves) and a huge hood. Has enough fluff to go around for sixteen days. 5 foot in diameter.

This will be updated if I'm not lazy. Which I will be.

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