Chapter Eleven: There Is A Castle In The Goshdarn Sky

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After several hours of introductions, most people staying the heck away from Faceless and a meal of moss and soda (Koumei took vanilla-flavored so he could survive, and the last fish because he couldn't choke down moss) the Inferno Check-In began.

The Edgelord God himself was overjoyed to hear the news. "Finally, you're one group! I thought I was going to go insane waiting. Seriously. It ain't pretty, sitting around feeling dead inside because I have no soul, waiting for light that never comes."

"Remind me why your name isn't Edgy Man?" the God of Steel interrupted.

"It never was."

"Aw man."

"Anyway, you guys are now in Cirbus (read Sir-bus), the land of the clouds. The bridges are how people get around. Anyway, Cirbus is famous for its annual music festival. The highlight is the renowned Cirbus Cup, given to the winner of a musical tournament - song, dance, screaming, you name it. No poetry or music-less drama though. That fancy-looking castle over there is actually just an equally-fancy theater, where the festival takes place." Inferno paused. "They say the beings here, the half-cloud-half-people-mermaid-ish-thing-cloudmaid Cirrens all have a kind of 'spirit instrument' that they play and speak as. It doesn't matter what instrument it is. If it's recognized as an instrument and it makes noise, bam, a Cirren might have it."

"Would explain a lot," June said as a nearby Cirren floated past, screaming in triangle.

"Anyway, legend has that every person who has won the Cirbus Cup has never been seen after that. Spoopy."

"Hmm..." Calandra mused. "How about we not go after this potentially deadly thing that's probably going to kill us-"

"Nah let's go get it," June said. "What could possibly go wrong?"


"I'm not listening," the God of Thunder said before running off along one of the silver bridges. "Goodbye."

"Well to heck with you." Inferno left one last comment before the device crackled and shut itself off. Atticus ran after the Thunder God until he let out a crackle of lightning, prompting them to freak out and go the other way.

"Aaand the group's already split up. Uh, I'll go get them and we'll be a team," Cally shook her head.

"I'm coming with you. Three teams of four," Farrah decided. "We don't need more stupidity in this team of immortal teenagers."

"I'll go with Rosa," Ellie piped up.

"In that case, Tronso and Koumei can come with us," the Fire Goddess said. "I don't like all those cliffs and taking the Wind God should help."

"Then Faceless, Lizzy, Oof and I will be the last team," Nyx declared. "Let's see if we can find anything. I'll head southwest, Rosa's team can head east, and since June ran off northwest towards the Cirbus Theater so you can follow."

"Good, good," Ellie replied. "Let's go."

• • •

"I sincerely hope we're heading in the right direction," the Goddess of Magic said to her companion as they ran towards the humongous structure.

Farrah closed her eyes, slightly glowing for a second. "I saw 23 futures, and in 22 of them, this is the right direction. The one future where it was not, physics took effect and the floor became normal water vapor again under our feet, and then we all fell to our deaths."

"Thanks but no thanks."

Their conversation ended abruptly when Atticus ran straight into both of them. The Deity of Light looked at Calandra. "Ayo I haven't seen you around here. I haven't seen you around anywhere either. Who the hell are you."

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