Final Words from the Author

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Here we are! First semi-original work that references Fortnite and you should be very glad does not reference the Bee Movie completed. 

This book was started on a whim, like... pretty much all my old works. Signups lasted incredibly long - 12 people is a lot of people, people. I literally had to ask people I knew IRL for this. Balancing twelve characters - eventually thirteen - was also not an easy task.

Moral of the story: five is good enough. Trust me. Five is good enough.

But then again, this WAS fun to write. Although I kept going into serious territory in a crackfic, and may not have added as much comedy as expected... why not?

This book was kind of a drawl to work on at times, because I put it in a separate window and I'm easily distracted. So, yeah, that part was annoying to work with. Still, it allowed me to expand my horizons and style when it comes to art. I also decided on my artstyle when working on GAPlyn's reveal picture - and I originally wanted to make an animatic of sorts for that, but eh. 

You may notice all the Fortnite references are centered around Tronso. This is because the original idea was brought up by his creator. You know who you are. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR SINS.


Instead of a list of facts, I'm putting QnA here. Questions and answers will be in the comments. Comment on this section ONLY.

I want to give special thanks to Xlainlovesbookiiiiies and Azure-Bluet for fanart of this series, as well as yoshistar_123 and NintendoJedi for reading this! 

I'm just going to thank everyone who submitted a deity, again.

WriterinFandomWorld: Rosaluma

LillianCloudwing: Ophelia

LoloxTheFox: Lizzy

Soulster88: Koumei

SquareRootOf-1: Calandra 

Fchicken77: Farrah

NoLazyShadow: Faceless

Everyone else does not have an active Wattpad account at the time this was written. 

And now. What does GAP mean for this account? As a writer?

It means I have the ability to write more than I thought I could. That I can make my own worlds and own things, and with more focus, get more people interested.

I wrote GAP and I got it all the way to the end. 

89098 words.

So I'm going to try my hand now. At more... original-ish stories.

Be prepared for my own bullcrap shoved RIIIIIGHT down your throat!

- Choco/Huey/Soup

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