Chapter Fifteen: The Not-So-Beloved Return

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Farrah, Rosa and Lizzy had been doing pretty well. Although she didn't mention it, the Goddess of Time clearly enjoyed doing this kind of thing. The next two puzzles also posed no threat at all. Each time, she would clear them quickly all the same. Probably too quickly. They had sworn to silence, but Lizzy had watched her white-haired acquaintance hacking through an impossible maze designed to slow them down.

"Congratulations! You are two tests away from the halfway point," announced one of the statues. "But your friends are all at least one test back. So, for the love of everything, we are going to have to give you a more difficult test."

"We got past your impossible test," Rosa retorted.

"Exactly. So we're taking a break from tests. Your next test is to sit back and chi-"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" a scream interrupted. "Krystal, you hear that?"

"I mean, I heard it until you screamed... wait what's going on?"

"Stop daydreaming and HELP ME BUST THROUGH THIS WALL!" A crash or two later, the wall gave, and a pair of spirits rushed in, one purple, one silver.

Rosaluma glared when she saw them. "Oh, it's you again. Didn't we teach you enough in the city?"

"Those were my coworkers," the purple-hued one shrugged as she spun a trident around. "And honestly, I know Helene's our leader and all, but I'm sure I can do much better than she did."

"Wait, THERE'S MORE OF YOU? And now I have to keep track of all of you? Ugh, I don't care anymore! BRING IT!" The Fire Goddess drew her daggers, teeth clenched.

"Uh, Rosa, we're out of magic," mentioned Lizzy.

"I SAID I DON'T CA-HEY!" Before she could do anything, the blonde found herself being dragged away by the other two just as Krystal flew in.

The screens flickered for a bit, and a voice from a glass sculpture rang through. "Wait! Waitwaitwait! You're two test chambers early, but we want those two out. Mind taking care of them for us?"

A random package of McGodNalds Fries dropped down from the ceiling, plopping on Farrah's head. She grabbed one and ate it like a human would. "Mmm. Tastes like garbage. My favourite."

"Oh no you don't!" Argelia swooped over and grabbed the fries, then the next two packets that fell in. "Krys! Catch!" The silver spirit turned just in time for the packets of fries to hit her face, fall off, and land in Lizzy's hands.

By the way the Earth Goddess looked at the packet of cold fries, one would've thought that she was holding some kinda one-up mushroom or extra life or something. "This ain't a mana potion! IT'S BETTER!" she screeched before shoving the entire thing in her mouth, packet and all.

Rosa shook her head. "At least remove the paper..." She then downed the fries like she had never eaten before. Without the packet. Like a normal person who is not a deity or something. Which is boring, so Lizzy grabbed the packet from her and ate it too.

Now fully powered-up, all three goddesses drew their weapons and got into a fighting stance with your choice of transformation theme in the background. Krystal applauded them for five seconds until she noticed Argelia wasn't doing the same. Then she slowly took out a silver shield, stared at it for five seconds, and THEN prepared for battle. The violet girl next to her nodded, spun her trident around a few times, then pointed it at the trio of deities. "En garde!"

Lizzy and Farrah went up to face the duo first, both the pencil and staff-wielders facing off against Argelia. After screaming "THIS CEREAL CONTAINS BARKLEY", the younger goddess fired tree splinters at the Noble Guardian. Several were blocked with her trident, but a good amount hit her, knocking her backwards.

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