Chapter Ten: Reunited and Incompetent as Ever

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Nyx screamed as she hurtled downwards, along winding tunnels lined with tan, black and deep gray. Ahead of her, a little pebble seemed to blend in with the rest, spinning as it rolled on through the air. Behind her, she could hear Farrah's "this is fine" as she, Faceless, and Atticus began crafting something.

As the fall continued on, the colors slowly shifted to blue, black and deep purples. Pale crystals lined the walls, and the moment all the deities had passed one, it flew out with a thunk, barring the entrance and exit. Lizzy, who was at the very back, eeped as one of them nearly made contact with Sketchy's tail, quickly yanking him down as the glassy stones speared thin air.

"What I wouldn't give to have Koumei over here..." the Steel God grumbled under his breath as he rapidly melted and reformed the metal, careful not to let a single drop trail too far behind him. Atticus helped out with their concentrated light, heating it up, while Farrah attached the bottom end of her staff again. Once it was finished, the Goddess of Time popped the new steel umbrella open, Lizzy landing perfectly on top while Oof resumed her fluttering. Once they had a hand on the parasol, the Light Deity pulled out a ball of light so they could see.

Nyx and the Burrock, however, were much further ahead. The pebble spoke up in an attempt to assure her. "I mean, the landing will be a bit rough for you, maybe a broken bone or eighty, but hey, you can walk it off, right?"

Very assuring, of course.

Thankfully, the Goddess remembered that she had night powers, and quickly used the darkness around her to create a pair of shadow wings. They weren't perfect, of course, but at least they allowed her to soften the fall a little by landing on them. The impact was a bit rough, but hey, zero broken bones.

"If you ever try that again, Liz, I will throw you off a cliff," Faceless muttered under his breath. "Actually, no, into a volcano sounds better."

"Let's just focus on the task at hand, please," groaned Ophelia. "Anyway, isn't this Lizzy's world or something? A bunch of caves... and some glowing rocks in the walls - ooh, shiny!"

The Earth Goddess looked about. "Yeah, this place is cool. Wait, where's the Burrock?"

"Right here!" peeped a squeaky voice from the ground. "I'm fine. If you are too, I'm going to introduce you to all my little friends!" There was a quiet noise, followed by a quick tapping signal. Scratch. Tap. Scratch. Tap. Tap.

At the final sound, hundreds of tiny Burrocks just like the first one scrambled out. Ophelia nearly screamed, thinking they were insects. However, once she figured out they weren't bugs, she calmed a little. But only a little.

"Where are we?!" demanded Faceless, melting his brella into a single dagger. The fact that he had only eaten a single banana over the past few days wasn't helping his mood.

"Oh dear, are you all right?" one of the sentient pebbles asked, skittering over. A bit of a blue crystal glimmered on its back. "C'mon, Malber! You should've told us ahead of time that we would have guests!"

"Sorry," the original Burrock - Malber - replied, the last bit of steel on its back differentiating it from the rest. "Cratlys, where's the water springs? The butterfly-winged one is really tired. Nagriet, Lyber, please get the moss."

"Moss?" inquired Atticus.

"We all eat moss down here. There's nothing else, I'm afraid," a pinkish one known as Nagriet replied. "It's moss or starve. But as of recently... it hasn't just been nothing else. It's been nothing at all."

"A monster invaded the caverns, and it possessed the moss. We tried eating it to death, but it kept knocking us away or absorbing so many of our friends into it. So yeah, there's a moss monster at the end of all this," the bluish Cratlys sighed.

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