Chapter Twenty-Six: Time Travel Shenanigans

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Swirls of red, green, and other interdimensional colors surrounded all twelve deities as they floated through magical clouds of what was definitely not fart gas in neon yellows, bright ceruleans, and other questionable colors that nobody wanted to look at too long.

To solve that, Nyx called on the shadow of her scalp underneath her hair, forming a little one-foot square of solid darkness, which she then sat on and pushed Eleanor off. When anyone else tried to get onto the tiny island in the middle of nowhere, they too were shoved off and rolled away.

As a form of revenge, Faceless melted his weapon into a wall and floor, then placed the wall in between himself and the rest of the group. Koumei tried to fly over to knock on it, and the God of Steel let him stay for a moment before pushing him off with a shake of his head. "Sorry, kid. I can't think straight right now."

Koumei created a floor made of wind barrier. Unlike the other two, he didn't seem to mind other people coming over, and actively began to expand it with the help of Tronso and Eleanor's ice and water respectively. Rosa's body also soon became part of the floor, to no protests, as she was unconscious. Lizzy sprouted a wall, Ophelia added some vines, and so on. Everything was calm until Carolyn opened her umbrella to add it to the floor. Then eight deities turned to look at the goddess of Sound. Well, Faceless didn't, because he had a wall up.

"Didn't you say you were going to explain why you were on our side now?" Atticus raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Well, you see, that's kind of a really long story... so we should all settle down."

"One sec. Midnight says he wants to tell it, too," Calandra interrupted. "...sorry."

"No, no, it's all right. Sonatina? Over here. Everyone get comfortable, because I'm not going to let anyone skip over this exceedingly important part!"

Ophelia patted the ground next to her, inviting a few deities over. Lizzy and Eleanor both took a seat, the Earth Goddess a lot less shy about it. June, Koumei, and Tronso sat down on a carved-down bit of ice spikes, the God of Wind using his scarf to form somewhat of a slightly more cushy seat.

"All right. So it began when I was thrown into a garbage bag-"

"We were there, Carolyn." Calandra added.

"Your name's Carolyn?" Nyx floated past on her tiny island, which now had a rotor and engine for flying around.

"Yep. So anyway..."

• • •

Farrah awoke in a city of steel and glass in front of a floating bullet train heading right towards her. Before she could be crushed between the nonexistent rails, though, the train stopped inches from her face. A silver-haired, yellow-eyed human looked out one window. "Ma'am, are you all right?"


"Oh cr- wait." The human looked her up and down. "Outdated clothes? Ancient weapon? No hyperextensions or transformations?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You're the one. The one who can spin the Wheels of Time and go back, can't you? Our goddess coming to save us and give us salvation."

Farrah thought for a moment. "Eh, why not. Where are these 'Wheels of Time' things?"

"I know where they are. Come on, get in the train." With a flick of their wrist, their arm transformed into a rope, which the Time Goddess ignored, instead settling for stepping onto the train herself.

Once she had entered, the other citizens looked up at her. She simply stared back at them, taking in their appearance. Floating hair that constantly changes color. Demon horns and giant wings. Green skin so bright it's literally glowing oh god my eyes are going to die. "Are these those things you mentioned?"

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