Chapter Six: Levels of Intensity Never Seen Before

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"GET THAT ROGUE!" Moments after the cup was stolen, Amelia thrust a hand forward and called for the armies to charge. Tree spirits rushed out, bows and javelins ready, several loading wooden balls into cannons. A hand signal later, all of them attacked, every kind of projectile flying through the air - and all of them missing as the single legged fish simply walked through the battlefield and away to the east.

It was at this point that Nerin called the others to begin chase. Several spirits rushed after the beast, arrows flying, some carrying wooden swords ("Wood? Where the hell is the metal?" Faceless groaned) and daggers. Their progress was quickly halted as a giant army of other Uran charged out the forest and began another battle.

"This isn't too bad," the Elder suddenly spoke up. "At least they aren't attacking our Plantations right now. The last thing we need right now are more deaths."

"Oh, right. You guys are trees," Faceless mused. The metal he held changed into a spear, which he then sent flying at the fish. It missed by three miles and accidentally released a swarm of evil nitrogen molecules. However, they were merely nitrogen molecules, so nothing happened.

"Anyway, we're going to have to ask you to go infiltrate the Uran hideout and retrieve that cup." the old spirit replied. "Amelia, you will be going with them, and nobody else. We need all other forces to be protecting the Plantations. We had a huge amount of Flaura killed in a raid."

"What?" yelped Ophelia. "H-how many?"

"One. A whopping one. That was the most Flaura killed in 204829393 centuries, and I wasn't even alive back then to hear about it."

All the gods looked at her like she was insane, which she probably was. Then they rushed on, weapons at the ready. Amelia gave the others a wave and hurried after them, bow at the ready.

The two armies would've split at their approach, but they were too busy trying to beat the crap out of each other. In the distance, on of the fish flew into the sky and exploded into popcorn and glitter. Some of the tree people rapidly turned from human to tree to human, others rushing over to help the fallen. A Uran blocked their way, but Faceless slammed a leg into it, tripping both of them. Fortunately, the god had hands and quickly got back up, leaving a flailing animal behind. Ophelia closed her eyes and rushed on.

They had reached the center of the fighting. This was where the melee weapons were - and where the real damage would be dealt to the people running through. While the blonde spirit ducked and dodged each stab, the gods behind her weren't quite as strong. Koumei, who was starting to lag behind, got hit in the face with a spear - fortunately, only the pole made contact, the pointy tip missing his hair by an inch - and fainted. Calandra picked him up, and working with the masked man next to her, yeeted him over the army to the other side where Midnight attempted to catch him and only slowed his fall. Tronso stomped the floor, and a burst of spikes popped out in front of the group still caught within. A single swing of Oof's longsword shattered the frozen water.

Finally, they were out of the battlefield - and prey to whatever lay ahead.

• • •

In another world, June was having the time of his life. Earphones plugged in, edgy anime music playing, hood up, seaweed fries in front of him. They only needed the "Holy McMuffin", but they hadn't eaten in a while, and while the food was trash, it was edible - slightly better than our Earth version, because they have protagonist powers and shouldn't already get food poisoning in the sixth chapter. Nearby, Atticus stole a single fry from the Thunder God's plate and ducked into a corner to continue eating. He was so absorbed in his anime music that he didn't even notice.

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