Chapter Twenty-Three: Revelations

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"Where..." Tronso awoke first out of all the gods, vision ebbing and blurring. He could just about make out a few nearby shapes. Shaking his head, he blinked harshly, sat up, and tried again.

Faceless lay on the floor to his immediate right, mask down and spread-eagled on the tiles of... many materials. Fluffy clouds, dark stone, a large chunk of ice that looked extremely lickable, and so on made up the room around them - except for one wall, which consisted of oddly-placed steel-like bars. Several other deities lolled about in the same position as the God of Steel, Atticus somehow upside down and Lizzy curled up in a ball with Sketchy on top of her.

June sat next to his leg, head resting on Tronso's cape. However, the area behind his ear where his chopstick would've been was empty. His own whip didn't seem to be anywhere close by either.

The blond boy looked about, taking everything in. Once ready, he did a head count. One... two... five... eight... nine... "Nine?"

"Whaaaa?" Eleanor stirred away in her little corner of the room. "Uh, what?"

"You heard nothing," the God of Ice replied quickly, face pinking a little.

"Five more minutes," groaned June, rolling off Tronso's cape and allowing the boy to stand up. "Wait, where am I?"

"Where are we is a good question," Rosa added, standing up and shaking out her hair. "And..."

"Why are there only..." When all eyes turned to Tronso, he fell silent, sitting down once again.

"Well, we're in a cage. Made of things. Many things." Eleanor looked around. "Also, someone's sitting on a cactus."

"Ouch." said Farrah, standing up from the watermelon she had been sitting on. Atticus then slunk over, threw it against a wall, and began eating one of the chunks of the exploded watermelon. In the meantime, Rosa checked around the area with a dagger of flame, melting the ice only to watch it reform, burning down wood only to find a second layer of stone, and generally failing at making any escape attempts. She then tried to chip through with her dagger, but the stone suddenly grew anime eyes, causing her to call a tactical retreat to herself.

"The real question is, why are we in a cage? The only answer is that someone trapped us here." Faceless stood up. "Which means we should get out and tell them to shove their butts into a black hole." He began to make his way over to the bars, placing a hand on one. He clenched his teeth behind the mask, his hand tightening more and more. After a minute more of that, he gave up and sat back down.

"What's wrong? Is your magic acting up?" Nyx asked.

"Nope. The 'steel' isn't reacting is all. In which case it's probably not steel. Therefore this cage is inferior to anything I can make." He paused for a second. "This cage is an insult to my entire being."

Just then, a flash of red darted past the bars outside, followed by a flash of blue, startling him and causing him to step back a little. Both flashes darted around for a bit before slowing down a good distance away, revealing a pair of gaseous two-foot-tall girls floating in the air. The silvery-blue spirit carried a bow, while the red one shifted her warhammer back and forth nervously. They paused for a second before dashing away.

"Oh, no." Rosa clenched her teeth. "I know these people."

"You... do?"

"Do you not remember me telling you about Argelia just yesterday?"

"Oh, right. Her and Krystal." Lizzy raised a brow. "Don't see what's so special about them. You said two similar people showed up in the city ruins with the giant tornado, right?"

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