Chapter Eight: Well (My Ears Hurt)

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"Are we there yet?"

Lizzy was starting to feel dehydrated, even for a Goddess of Earth. Ophelia's wings were a bit droopy by now. "I don't know. I don't think so." Trudging behind Faceless and carrying an unconscious Farrah, the trip was starting to take a toll on her as well. Atticus was the only one who didn't seem any less tired than when they arrived.

"We've been walking for nearly a whole day now," Nyx mentioned, pointing at the setting sun. "I honestly don't know why they had to put the well all the way out there. Seems like bad design to me, honestly."

Darkness fell, and the deserted land they trudged through was no less harsh on them. Farrah had the idea to set up camp for the night, and so they piled up her staff, the helicrapter blades, and Ophelia's longsword in its sheath into a teepee-looking thing and called it a day. It was, of course, lacking any kind of cloth, but none of them were wearing a cape or anything they could take off.

Lizzy took out the bananas she got from the tomato plant back in Chapter 2 and handed one to each of her fellow deities and the last to Sketchy Grass. "Still don't know why it only gave us 7. Inferno told us we can still die from everything except age, and from what Farrah told us, you guys were in a world where you got five minutes of sleep and even a meal. Nice. We rushed through our place in an hour and got knocked out, and all we get is this banana."

"At least it's safe around here," her Nature goddess friend replied. "Aside from the obvious lack of food and water, which I'm sure we'll find eventually."

"It's gotta rain sometime, right?" Nyx sighed. "Well, it's getting dark. We should settle down for the night. I'll keep watch - don't know why, but my group wasn't nearly as tired as yours."

"I'll take half the shift," Atticus replied. "Wake me up later."

"I would also join but I want sleep," Farrah added before standing up to ensure she wasn't touching any dust and falling asleep perpendicular to the floor. Faceless just fell over behind her, not even caring about his position at this point.

Now alone, the Goddess of Night looked up at the sky and the probably not endless amount of stars above her. Behind her, Farrah mumbled something like "it makes no sense why our clothes are dry right now even though we just came from the ocean." In other words, complete nonsense.

Anyway, she went stargazing for a while, and by a while I mean two seconds. Then she drew a pair of shadow scythes and started whacking anything that moved that wasn't one of her fellow gods. A couple of bugs died, and one lucky cockroach escaped for five seconds before being sniped by a ball of shadow. Naturally, the situation was incredibly terrifying. Nyx even had to gag herself with shadows so she wouldn't scream.

It got worse, too. About one and a half hours in, she spotted a strange figure at the edge of her vision. She swore she saw it two or three more times in the next fifteen minutes, scuttling about. Perhaps it would've been more terrifying if it didn't let out some kind of screech that woke the entire group.

Atticus got up. "Okay, should I-"

Unfortunately for them, they never learned about the figure, as a beetle scuttled by and startled the goddess on watch. "$*(^ING DAMN (%^*%HEAD %*^&% BUGS. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE."


• • •

Now, I would tell you that the night was a bonding moment. That is, if I were a liar. I am many things, but I only lie half the time.

As a matter of fact and not fiction (even though this whole book is fiction) Nyx went to sleep right after that, as well as everyone else. Atticus just got adjusted to the dark instead of using their light. The night passed peacefully, and there were no more bugs. Okay, maybe a few, but Atticus's rapid cussing drove them away.

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