Chapter Seven: Edge and Procrastination

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They were falling through the sky. Lizzy clung on to her fellow Nature Goddess and Sketchy, Faceless kept his grip on two unconscious boys, Calandra held on to a panicking Midnight, and all of them continued screeching on the way down - except Faceless, because he was Faceless. And Koumei, because he couldn't scream, and he also was unconscious. Tronso was also unconscious, so it was just the three screaming.

In the distance, another group of deities appeared above the clouds, along with a group of normal fish. Eleanor screamed as she tumbled through the air, reaching out for the Fire Goddess next to her. Nyx and Atticus joined in on the wonderful chorus of "AAAAAAAAAA" and the other two just... fell.

Rather unfortunately for them, the wind soon began to push them apart. Faceless lost his grip on the two younger boys and they slipped away from him, the masked man yelling as he was pushed to another side. June flew over him and in the opposite direction, electricity crackling at the young man's fingertips. A sudden cloud separated Ophelia from Calandra, and the Nature Goddess, fox, and other girl next to her were blasted away.

Just as the deities tried to regroup or even see some new faces, there was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning that forced them further and further away from each other, still hurtling towards the ground. As the surface came into sight, all ten of the conscious gods began absolutely freaking out. Yes, even Farrah, June, and Faceless.

With the wind and the cold temperature from their fall, both Tronso and Koumei began to stir. Soon they were awake, and freaking out like the others. That was until the Japanese boy remembered what he was. With a wave of his hand, a flock of invisible wind birds appeared, with three or four catching each deity that he could see.

Tronso looked about the area - a rusty brown world with flecks of technicolor. He turned to his fellow wind god and thunder god. "Where we droppin', boys?" Then someone slapped him for making Fortnite memes when Fortnite was dead. (It wasn't enough to prevent future Fortnite jokes. You know who you are and exactly what you did.)

Meanwhile, with the other group, Farrah attempted to freeze everyone in time to slow their descent, but found that she could not really freeze anything larger than Sketchy at the moment. Her energy was quickly draining, and soon she found herself nearly blacking out from power overuse. Never mind, she just blacked out. Ophelia grabbed the white-haired goddess and yanked her out the way of a signpost on a building, watching the neon-lettered board fall down with them.

"Atticus, do you still remember the copter?" Nyx screamed from a few feet away. "Atticus. Listen up!"

"Yeah, yeah, the crapter, we just need materials." the Light Deity replied.

"I got that covered," Faceless stated, grabbing the signpost and melting it down into helicopter blades. There was nothing left for the body, so he stuck it on Farrah's staff and clung on. With a little jump-start from Lizzy as she smacked it with her sketchbook, the blades began to spin and the Helicrapter 2.0 activated. The Earth and Steel goddess and god held on, Nyx and Atticus also grabbing the questionable contraption. Ophelia's butterfly wings began flapping, slowing her and the blacked-out Farrah's descent until they came to a mostly-safe landing. The others all crumpled to the floor, but at least their bones were intact. Faceless's mask slammed into the floor, but somehow, it didn't break.

"Where are we, by the way?" asked the Night Goddess as she picked herself up off the ground. "And who are you?"

"It doesn't matter and you're stuck working with me for a while." Faceless pulled out the communication device. "Hey, Edgy Man. Where are we?"

"I don't know. I'd say you're in the ruins of Techno City, but you're outside the place itself, practically in a different world. Hang on - I'll try to find something." There was a bit of crackling before the baritone voice returned. "Okay, I found something. If you go a little way, you should find a well. Jump in it, and don't die. It's a Link that you can access once you're outside the border. And it's impossible to get outside the border, unless... did you fall from the sky?"

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