Chapter Eighteen: This Story Gets Darker

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"Hello? Are you there?" Eleanor tried to hide the tremble in her voice. It didn't work.

"I'm here! Uh, where are you?" Ophelia replied.

"Can't see. Keep moving to your right? I hear you on my left. Or are you this guy behind me?"


"Sorry, Tronso."

"Hey, Oof? You still there? Wait, whose leg is this?" Lizzy joined the discussion.

"That's mine, kid," Faceless muttered.


Sighing, the God of Steel turned in the general direction of her voice. "Can't hear you, kid. Also, I would glare at you, but I can't see."

"Don't worry, I have a hand-crank flashlight that the author totally didn't forget I had for the last seventeen chapters." Atticus yelled in the distance. They then took out their flashlight and began cranking it. Unfortunately, the world stayed just as dark. "Okay this is weird."

"Roll call!" Rosaluma yelled after a minute or two. "Eleanor, Rosa, you're both here. Lizzy, I heard you. Tronso, Faceless, Atticus, gotcha down. Farrah?"

"Good afternoon."

"Calandra! Nyx!"



"I got Koumei with me. I think. I can't see who this unconscious body is."

"Aight, that's all of us," Lizzy said after a minute. "Now can we find each other?"

"What if there are cliffs and some moron falls off them?" Farrah shot back.

"Oh, you're to my right. I think." The Earth Goddess then tripped. "Oof."

"Call me?" Ophelia chimed.


"Rude." Suddenly, she was knocked over by something running, while June yelped in the back. Sketchy Grass, who was still around, began yipping rapidly, as did Midnight.

"Did you drop the body?" Faceless yelled.

"No - ow - Koumei's moving. Really weirdly, too. He just - OW - stirred to life and starting attacking."

"He wha-" Eleanor was promptly knocked away with a flurry of Wind Slashes. "STOP."

There was a sound of a rope slapping against the floor as Tronso attempted to pull him down. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work because of the darkness, and his lack of aim ended up with his whip beaning Farrah in the head, who proceeded to launch time-freezing blasts in his general direction. To this day we still have no idea whether he got hit or not.

Another minute of this horrible montage of failure, failure and more failure later, most of the gods had either crashed into each other, tripped over seemingly nothing, or given up and flopped onto the ground. And to top it all off, Koumei continued rapidly attacking nothing.

"What is UP with that guy?" Rosa attempted to get up, but accidentally used Atticus as a foothold and caused both of them to drop to the floor.

"He was unconscious, I swear!" yelled Tronso from a distance.

"Unconscious..." Calandra thought for a moment. "Nyx, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Uh, depends on what you're thinking."

"Didn't Ophelia mention at one point that you had some kinda nightmare attack thing? Like, the one you used against the giant moss monster? You think you can..."

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