Chapter Twenty-Four: Arguments and Alliances

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The journey began with Ophelia identifying their current area - a forest of vines that formed faces as they went, draped over trees of stone and quartz - the latter attracting the attention of their new companion, who quickly rushed off to take a piece that unfortunately vaporised when broken off. "This is definitely a world of Magic, with no doubt. Things change and move as they wish, basic scientific laws fall apart, calculus doesn't make sense."

"Now I'm not so sure I want to live in a place where the laws of biology don't work," Calandra replied. "Like... chaos is great and all, but this is a next level."

"No it isn't," said a floating potato wearing a singular clown shoe. Before anyone could do anything, Sonatina and Midnight looked at it for two seconds and it promptly vaporised before their eyes.

"As I said, this whole thing is next level. Also, how do we know where we're going?"

"We don't." Ophelia looked at the strip of paper. "Well, I don't."

"Well we should get around to that, because if we can't find them, we can't get us all to the Link, which means we'll never get to the place we need, and we won't get to the Highest Peak, and then we won't find the apartment we're looking for." the parasol girl added.

"Right. Thanks for the reassuring thought." Calandra huffed.

"You're welcome."

Both girls were then tapped on the shoulder. Koumei stood there, pointing at Sketchy and gesturing with his other hand. The arctic fox in question trotted a few meters in one direction, rolled over, and chewed on a half-broken stick on the ground. After exchanging a few glances, they continued on after the rolling fox.

The next area they'd stumbled into appeared to be some sort of plains, except none of it was grass or dirt. Patches of it appeared to be ice cream, while a lump of magma seeped through and turned both into crackers with tea. A vine sprouted out the interconnected section and grew bananas. Clouds of tissue formed another section, but thankfully sat just above a solid layer of densely-packed banana skins. A third section, made of glass, provided a nice look at the magnified bacteria in a petri dish just underneath. With the touch of a finger, though, Calandra somehow transformed the glass into opaque plastic. When she looked at her pendant to sense magic, it flew into her face and started dragging her everywhere as she screamed behind it. Koumei winced a little as she flew into a tree with pens dangling from ribbon nooses in them.

"For some reason, this place must really like Calandra. Maybe Inferno was partially right?" Ophelia turned towards the parasol girl as the aforementioned Magic Goddess struggled free of a broomstick trying to fly with her. It flew off into the distance and began duelling with a quarterstaff of bones.

"Could be a coincidence. I mean, she has magic, and this realm clearly reacts to that pretty violently," snapped the brunette, but quickly changed her tone when she saw Ophelia turn. "But nothing's stopping you from visiting the elemental worlds once we're done."

"It'll be a long journey back down, though," the Nature Goddess replied.

I'm sure we'll find a way, Koumei wrote with the flying quarterstaff on the ice cream. Cielo might have some useful stuff. Then Calandra landed on his writing, hands and magical bullets out to fend off a giant monstrous soap bee.

"Let's get this over with," the Goddess of Magic snarled as she teleported up to kick the bee in the face.

"Hold up." Ophelia raised her arms, and the land around her transformed into a forest of evergreen pines - catching the bee's wings among them. Calandra teleported on top, firing bullets and carving into its body. However, it quickly knocked her off, and she accidentally teleported about a meter off the ground instead of onto it, falling on her face.

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