Chapter Twelve: The First And Only Rehearsal

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Before long, the three groups had regrouped in the center, each of them with some new information. When they arrived, Calandra spoke first. "We talked to a bunch of Cirrens, and can confirm Inferno was right. They can all pull instruments out of the air and play them. And one of them has an organ. So mayyybe we just shouldn't enter at all-"

"Not so fast," Ophelia countered, her facing practically glowing. "We got a lead! There's a sacred instrument around here! Now we just gotta-"

"We already found it," Tronso said. Koumei held up the gleaming kazoo for her to see.

"...oh." The black-jacketed Goddess of Magic stopped in her tracks.

On her shoulder, Midnight let out a cackle. Hah! I knew you were wrong about entering.

"You agreed with me!" she hissed back.

No I didn't!

"Yes you did!"

No I didn't!

"Yes you d-"

"STOP WEIRDLY GLARING AT EACH OTHER. IT'S CREEPY." screamed Nyx. "Please. For the love of... us."

Midnight grumbled for a bit and pecked at her, but he shut up. Calandra just completely froze in her tracks, but eventually loosened back up.

"Anyway, as I was saying, we found it," Tronso interjected. "We can claim Koumei's a Cirren, have him play the kazoo, we win, we either die to the cup or it's safe and we can use the Link in it."

"One problem." Faceless shushed him, turning to the Wind God. "Can you even play the kazoo?"

The whole group fell silent at this. The Japanese boy took the kazoo, stared at it for a long five seconds, and shook his head.

"Wait, can mute people even play the kazoo?" Farrah added. "The kazoo requires humming, doesn't it?" She pulled out a book on kazooing that she had for some reason, finished it, and tossed it off a cliff. "Yeah I don't think mute people can play the kazoo."

"Well that amplifies our problem quite a bit. Nice job." The God of Steel crossed his arms, scowling. At this remark, the Japanese boy drooped a little, blue eyes turning to the floor.

"I really don't think-" June started.

"What? It's not like we know any other way, and now that the kazoo's crap and the god's c- wait no-"

And that was when he knew... he screwed up.

The mute Wind God had run off as soon as he heard the words, scarf trailing behind him. Faceless cussed under his breath as he watched the younger boy rush away. "You guys figure something out. I'll try to fix this."

"I'm coming too," Tronso added.



"Good luck," replied Nyx. "You're gonna need it."

• • •

They found him back at where the kazoo originally dwelt. Once again, Tronso's snowfall covered the platforms, revealing square after square of white. Despite not having the lightness and high jump of Koumei, the masked man still made it across the void parkour well enough. It helped that he could make small one-plank bridges out of his weapon to clear those that were close enough. The Ice God on the other hand stayed back, not wanting to intervene.

Sitting atop the opalescent shrine, the young god looked down at his older acquaintance. He shrunk back when he realized who it was, scrambling upwards a little. The hurt in his eyes was clear, even if he couldn't say it.

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