Chapter Fourteen: Are You A Moron?

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Jumping into the Cirbus Cup immediately after the whole ordeal, Atticus landed on a concrete pavement. Moments later, Faceless crashed into the floor, Tronso landing on top of him.

"Oh, it's you." The Light Deity shrugged and began to walk away as the two guys untangled themselves. The Ice God squeaked when he found a spot of blood on his scarf, hastily wiping it off and glaring at his older acquaintance. Faceless just shrugged apologetically before following the other deity.

"Where are we anyway?" the blond spoke up after a while. "I don't think I've been here before."

Indeed, they... had not seen this place, although its aura was familiar. A single, empty warehouse in the center, rocky sentinels of mountains all around... a natural wall to keep them in. A lone window let them glimpse into the darkness within. Dumpsters lined one end, bits of scrap metal lining the insides.

"It's almost like the city again," sighed Tronso. "I mean, you guys weren't there, but it was depressing."

"Is this Nyx's world?" Atticus raised a brow. "Wait no it's not nighttime."

"Mine?" Faceless gave it a once-over. "I doubt it, considering the only metal is that pile of scrap over there."

"Enough of that, where are the others?" the blond suddenly spoke up. "I can't see Koumei, or June, or Calandra. Or anyone for that matter."

"That is strange. I should be able to hear Ophelia's screaming from anywhere," the God of Steel added. "And what is that weird warehouse anyway?"

"Only one way to find out," the Light Deity finished. "Let's go."

After breaking their way in through the window, which was especially easy because there was no glass, the trio landed on the floor with their weapons drawn, Faceless having yanked a pipe off a wall and Atticus in a position ready to cuss like there was no tomorrow.

As they stood there for about three minutes, completely unmoving from that single spot, the empty warehouse began to change. A few TV screens came out of nowhere. The lights flickered on, died, flickered on again, and then finally brightened to a point where seeing was possible.

Then the floor opened up.

"WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?" screamed Tronso as he tried desperately to latch on to a ledge or something with his whip. It worked as well as cutting through a knife with hot butter did. Then he got shot with a dart. "OW HECK!"

"Language- $*^%&!" The masked man was the next to get hit. "I hate everything."

"Stop being edg- ow." Atticus looked at their arm, where the dart was. "Uh, meow?"

And then they all passed out.

• • •

"All right, what is going on in here!?" Rosa was the first in her group to get up. Scanning her surroundings showed nothing other than the gray floor and an infinite-looking expanse around her. Trying to walk off the concrete square got her crashing into some kind of invisible wall. Four flat, infinite walls, in fact. Then she saw the others conked out on the floor.

Shaking the white-haired and green-haired girls next to her, she gave them several pokes with the hilt of her dagger, then the flat, then Farrah woke. "Hey, where are we? Can you use your future vision stuff to see where we might go, or see a future where we see what the name of this place is?"


"What do you mean no?"

"No u."

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