Chapter Twenty-One: Don't Try This At Home, Kids

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Once again, the group found themselves falling from the sky, because the author doesn't know how to make proper introductions to chapters. Thankfully, the fall wasn't quite as long as the others, maybe only a meter or two, and they landed in a large pile of snow - very good for breaking falls, not so good for their body temperature.

"Well this is great," Rosa muttered from inside the pile. After a moment, she leaped out, having melted most of it with The Summoning - and narrowly dodging the cold water rush afterwards. Ophelia clambered out next with the unconscious Lizzy, shaking off the snow as she stepped into the cold air and regretted it about twenty seconds later.

The gods climbed out of their little snowbank, some holding their temporarily fallen comrades. While all of them had to admit they were dressed for far warmer weather, Tronso didn't seem to care - in fact, he seemed relatively at ease in the cold.

Grabbing some of her fire from her attack earlier, Rosa pulled the ball of flame in her hand closer to her, and the others instinctively drew closer. Now with the heat problem temporarily on hold, the eight deities now had the time to look around the area. It seemed to be a mountain range of some sort, each peak a gradient of white to a bluish gray. Some had a few clouds above them, raining a little haze of snow. None of them seemed particularly tall, but they did seem strangely... blocky.

"What even is this place?" June looked about. "A bunch of mountains?"

"Well..." a voice rang from Rosa's pocket, causing the group to jump. A reddish device rolled out of it. "One sec. Where did you all go the last two worlds?"

"In...ferno?" Ophelia picked it up, shivering and holding on to Lizzy (while Sketchy seemed fine with the cold). "It's been a while, huh?"

"Ah, right. Worlds of Light and Night. Northern Lumatra has some sorta signal that blocked me, and contact with the Realm of the Undead Night is just... no." The Deity from Imefita cleared his throat. "So, how've things been?"

"Pretty good. We went through a lab and did some tests and then fought ourselves, then we all had a really weird dream that was most likely reality but at the same time just a dream." Nyx held the device, disappointed it gave off no heat. "And now we're all freezing to death."

"Oh. Mount Glaciae." Inferno stopped for a moment. "All right, first step: look for shelter. There's a travelling pack of mountain climbers around here, you see. You gotta find them."

"So, uh, any idea what they're called or what they look like?" Calandra added.

"Not yet."

"Thanks. Very helpful." Faceless hunched over closer to himself, handing Koumei to June. "So until they show up, I'm going to go freeze myself to death over there. Don't mind me, folks."

"Well then. Let's go look around for them?" June asked. "We don't have anything better to do at the moment."

"I would tell you that's a bad idea but I know you won't listen. So we're gonna have to move as a group," the Goddess of Magic replied. "We kinda need your fire to stay alive. Oh, uh, aside from, maybe Tronso...?"

"Still need warmth." the blond replied upon hearing his name. "I can go without it for longer to scout ahead, though."

"Then it's settled. Let's go." The God of Thunder picked up - or rather, struggled to pick up until Faceless helped him - Koumei and continued onwards. Ophelia grabbed Lizzy, Calandra held Atticus up with Nyx, and Rosa and Eleanor picked up Farrah, attempting to keep their balance as they did due to their rapid height differences.

The group began their trek upwards, the ice beneath them acting as somewhat slippery solid ground. With only their weapons to hitch into the floor when the going got tough, the trek was far less than professional. As a matter of fact, don't do this at home, kids.

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