Chapter Thirteen: The Greatest Performance (and Cielo)

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As it turned out, Calandra and her group had convinced Claves to let them crash at theirs. Unfortunately, they spent the entire night bragging about how they would win the event. Atticus responded by opening their fridge and stealing all their spinach puffs and a few potatoes, all while giving them a stink eye.

"This place honestly sucks," Faceless muttered under his breath while lying under the dinner table. "Why did you crash all 12 of us at one house again?"

"Not like we had a choice," replied Rosa.

"We did though," Farrah said. "That Cirren named Ori Ganne who taught Koumei."

"Did she say anything about letting you?"


"Oh, Ori," sighed Claves as they floated by. "She's awful, frankly. Doesn't even understand personal space. Please. It's not that hard to stay out of my face. Just wait until I get the Cirbus Cup tomorrow..."

The deities just rolled their eyes, finishing up the last of their totally-not-fridge-raided dinner and made their way to their sleeping areas. June and Atticus squared off to fight for the best sofa spot next to Lizzy. Tronso took to the top of the sofa, and Koumei continued to hide under it somehow. June took the air conditioner.

It was going to be a long night.

• • •

"Are you sure I gotta do it?"

Koumei nodded, pointing towards points on the floor. Tronso moved to one and Faceless to the other.

"I know that and all, but I'm not good with crowds." The blond shuddered just thinking about it before Koumei gave him a few more hand signals and a literal silent explanation. "That's fair."

"Okay, everyone ready?" Faceless asked, waving the handle of his crappy instrument. When they gave him a nod, he began. "One. Two. Three. Four!"

They launched into a terrible rendition of the mystery song that I will not reveal until later this chapter because spoilers. This, of course, woke the entire house and probably killed off a Cirren or two, blew up an island, and melted the kazoo in the void.

"Ayy that was great," June said as he stuck a thumbs-up out the window.

"And that concludes our final rehearsal." The masked man shoved his instrument in his hammerspace again. The younger boys didn't leave. "Uh, you can go now." They still stayed. Only when he went back into the house did they follow.

Entering proved to be a mistake seconds later. The moment the God of Steel stepped into the room, he got a pillow to the face, and then a June to the face. "Ow. My face."

"THIS IS WAR!" screeched Lizzy as she jumped down from the highest point, whacking him with her pencil.

"Oh heck please stop," groaned Atticus as they glared at the ensuing chaos. "I need sleep." Sketchy walked over to them and curled up into a ball, mentally screaming.

Rosa turned to them. "Can you sing? Would you be willing to sing in front of a crowd? We need backup if those three actually sound like what they just did."

"Well yes, but actually no," the Light Deity replied, attempting to do a salty hairflip. However, their hair was in extremely short braids barely reaching their neck, so it didn't work and they just waved their hand behind their head instead. Salty at their lack of being able to do salty hairflips, they slinked back into their hiding spot.

"Please help. This is madness." Nyx sunk into the sofa, narrowly avoiding a dive-bomb from Midnight.

I told you not to join! Calandra screamed telepathically.

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