Chapter Twenty-Five: All Together Now

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Their first area had appeared to be some sort of a courtyard, except with a shoddily built cage that had held them. The rest of the area seemed to be a castle built of all sorts of things, mixed-and-matched from every substance ever - at least those that could hold their own shape. Wood, stone, tightly squished packing peanuts, glass, concrete, and everything in between. There was even a block of raw carrot, which nobody wanted to question for fear of questioning the carrot.

"All right, since this is a weird place, there are going to be weird things around, and they will probably be guards, so we have to proceed carefully. Especially since most of our weapons are missing. Got it?" Nyx turned to see that literally everyone had ignored her instructions and had rushed off along the corridor.

Pillars of plastic, fabric, and some probably radioactive material held up the mismatched patchwork roof of everything. Chia seeds packed together created the ground in front of them, but as soon as Tronso stepped on, the whole floor began to fall apart.

"Run for it!" Eleanor began to make a dash for the other side, Faceless and Tronso following afterwards. Farrah leaped ahead, hitching up the skirt of her dress with a hand. Atticus followed easily, while June rolled on over after them. The rest continued to make a rush for the other side.

As the floor continued to crumble, Eleanor found herself lagging behind a little. In a moment of panic, she leaped at Nyx, who summoned a hand of shadow to grasp on to. However, she too had to grab on to Tronso's whip as the group swung down and were pulled up to safety by the others.

"That was the dumbest trap I've seen in a while." June gave the remaining seeds a kick, letting them fall to the infinite depths below, also known as a pit of pumpkin seeds.

"And yet we still fell for it." Faceless reminded him.

"Typical us."

Wandering onwards through the castle, the group eventually did meet their first encounter. A pair of what appeared to be floating blobs and hands with beady black eyes turned to the group as they approached. One of them smelled like salt and glowed a bright yellow, while the other burned green. The moment they saw the gods, they quickly drew their weapons - the yellow one a rapier, and the green one a mace.

"Nice job, avoiding conflict, us." Atticus gave the group a thumbs-up and prepared for battle, readying their photokinesis. The others all prepared their own magic at the same time.

The green spirit struck first, flying at Faceless with mace in hand. He ducked under the blow, dodging to the side when it lunged again. Grabbing on to the handle, he yanked backwards hard, accidentally sending the spirit flying at June. However, the God of Thunder simply replied by tapping the mace with his finger, sending an electric current through to knock the spirit out. Tronso finished it up with a Frost Beam he'd been charging for a minute or so.

Meanwhile, Nyx summoned her scythes of shadow, lunging at the yellow spirit. Unfortunately for her, it parried every blow with ease, quickly flying through and weaving around every slash when its rapier didn't reply first. Atticus fired their light ball at it and missed, but ended up blowing up a wall instead. Thankfully, the wall used to be ice, and Eleanor took her chance now that the concentrated ice blast had melted it. Spreading her hands out, she formed jets of water that would have repeatedly "punched" the spirit - because it combusted the moment the water touched, sending sparks everywhere. The final explosion took out the green spirit as well, leaving both dimmed and lying on the floor, a ball of ghastly energy surrounding metallic cores.

"Do they come back to life?" The Goddess of Shadow turned her scythes into a stick and gave one a poke.

"Not anytime soon," replied Farrah. "Believe me. Otherwise that would be a waste of my magic, and if my magic is wasted, I will cut someone."

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