A Kiss Of Comfort

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Team's POV

I woke up next to Win after I went to sleep at his house last night. We watched a movie and ate Lays. My vision was blurry as I grabbed the pillow that I brought and hugged it. I couldn't see clearly, so I accidentally knocked my phone off the bedside table. It made a loud noise, and I jerked. I opened one of my eyes, afraid that I woke up Win. I leaned towards the floor to grab my phone, but I slipped and fell off the bed.

"Agh!" I hit my back on the floor with a loud thump.

I sat up as I rubbed my back. It hurt, and I couldn't get up. At this point, of course, he would wake up.

"God, you're so clumsy Team," Said a certain person with golden hair.

"Win... You're awake." I said, sad that I couldn't let him sleep longer so that I could sneak out of his house while he wasn't looking. 

"Yeah, I'm awake. I'll make breakfast for you, you can just wait for me in here," He said, heading towards the kitchen.

"W-Win?" I said quietly.

Win turned around, "Hm?"

"C-can you help me get up? I hurt myself." 

Win laughed and then nodded. He walked over to me and gave me a hand to hold onto while I got up. I put my hand in Win's and got up with a small grunt. I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the dining room table. I was so tired, my hair was messy, and I was only wearing a T-shirt and some shorts. While Win was cooking for himself and me, I kept falling asleep and waking up again. It was so early in the morning, even for me. I was normally up very early in the morning just to play video games, or to get a bag of Lays. It was around 7:30 am and I was very clearly not awake yet. What woke me up was the smell of scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and pancakes. My eyes opened to see many plates and platters with my favorite breakfast foods piled on top of them. 

"I made your favorite. You have already been having quite a bad day, so I decided to be especially nice to you," Win said, smiling.

I immediately perked up, seeing the food in front of my face. I grabbed the knife and the fork in front of me and grabbed two pancakes, a hashbrown, some eggs, and a piece of bacon. I looked around the table for the syrup, and it wasn't anywhere on the table.

"Hia, where is the syrup?" I asked Win.

"Oh, I forgot!" He slapped himself on the forehead and walked up to the counter to grab the syrup. "Here you go, Ai' Team."

"Thanks, Win!" I said, smiling.

I poured the syrup all over my pancake and grabbed a piece of it. I shoved it in my mouth and smiled. Win always makes the best food. Better than you can find it in any restaurant or shop. I sighed of relief because it helped me be distracted from the pain in my back from falling off the bed earlier. After eating, I laid back in my chair and rubbed my stomach.

"I'm so full. Thanks, Win!" I said.

"No problem. Also, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go meet up with Ai' Dean and N' Pharm later at the movies. They invited us," Win said.

"Sure, why not," I said, hoping that it would be fun. Whenever we go out with Pharm and P' Dean, Win always flirts with me or at least tries to, and then Pharm teases me.

I hung out at Win's for a few more hours before I went back home to eat lunch and take some classes at my university, and also do some activities at the swimming club. After eating lunch, I got dressed, grabbed my backpack, and all my notes. I walked to my car and drove to the university. During the class, I was bored. I was doodling in my notes while the teacher was explaining some things about a project that I had already completed. When the bell rang, I quickly ran to the locker rooms near the pool, put my things away in my locker, and changed into swim shorts. I knew I was going to see Win again during swim practice because he is the vice president of the swimming club, and to be honest, I was okay with it. I just have to ignore him, and he won't flirt with me. I walked over to the diving board and challenged my swimming club friend to a race.

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