"what happened to your father?"

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A/N: Yes, I changed the name again because I'm inconsistent. ✌


Team's POV

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I took the pill bottle filled with anti-depressants and opened the lid. I took one pill out and placed it in my mouth. I took a large sip of water and swallowed the pill with it.

I felt accomplished. I could finally start feeling better now. After months upon months of terrible panic attacks, I could finally relax. I put the pill bottle back in the cupboard and drank the rest of my water.

 I walked to get my backpack, but Win was already there, getting it for me. He smiled.

"You gonna be alright at school today?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. I took an anti-depressant today, so hopefully that helps."

Win took my hand in his.

"Let's go, then."

We walked out of the door, and traveled to the university.

When we arrived at the place, we sat down at our regular table where we hung out with our friends. We waited for them to get there, talking about random things.

"Do you know what triggered it yesterday?"

I paused.

"I'm positive it was because I felt bad about my father."

Win turned his head, perplexed.

"What happened to your father?"

I leaned my head on my hand.

"I hung up on him after he told me he was going to the U.S. He said that he was going to leave the next day, but I didn't even ask to see him off. He's probably already there by now."

"He called me back yesterday, and he sounded really empty. It sounded like how I talked in the first few months of broken heart syndrome. He sounded like he didn't care about anything. He sounded like me when I'm suici-"

I paused. My eyes widened.

I got up from my seat and ran. My father's house wasn't far from the school. All I could do was hope. Hope that he hadn't. 

Please tell me he didn't.

I ran inside the old door, and speedwalked to his room, Win following close behind me. My quivering hand drifting above the doorknob, I finally grabbed hold of it. I turned the knob, and opened the door.

The sight before me was horrifying.

Right there, laying on the floor, was my father. A pool of blood by his mouth, and pills surrounding his lifeless body.

I screamed and fell to the floor.

"Please, no."

In an instant, I saw the little white piece of paper hidden in the clasp of my father's hand.

"W-what's that?"

I stood up and walked over to his body, taking out the little note. It read on the front, "My dear kid, Team."

It was a suicide note.

I turned it over, and read the words on the piece of paper as Win was calling 911.

"Team, I know that you never meant to hang up on me when I told you I was going to the states. I actually have to confess about something. I have been visiting your mother in jail ever since the trail ended. I can't put up with her being in jail. I love the woman."

I looked up at his sad face while choking through sobs.

"You dummy. She doesn't love you anymore."

I looked back at the piece of paper.

"She told me to tell you I was going to the states, and to tell call you and sound very empty. She also told me... That I would have to kill myself."

I immediately fell. This was her fault. Everything was going wrong because of her again.

"By the time you read this, I will be gone. Just know that, in my last few moments, I realized that this wasn't worth it. I'm sorry I listened to her so much. I should've taken the hint when you sent her to jail. I knew she was bad, but I didn't realize it soon enough. I'm sorry. Team, I love-"

The note was cut off there. I knew it. That was the time. The exact moment he died.

I laid against the doorframe, and sobbed. I folded the note, and stuffed it in my pocket. I felt arms wrap around my fragile body. Win had always been there to hug me.

"We can get through this. Don't give up, and remember that I'm here when you need a shoulder to cry on."

Words had never comforted me before, but the sincerity in his words gave me all the hope I could ever need. My father was already being avenged. My mother was serving her whole life in prison. That was enough for me. The only thing I would remember forever is that,

That abominable woman killed my only father.

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