"we'll get through this."

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Team's POV

I watched the sky pass far from my view. I wondered.

Why is the sky blue on such a grey day?

I was called in by the police to state what I had seen. I decided to keep the note to myself. I would only tell them simple lies. Lies about his thoughts that he had "shared" with me. My mother was already serving what she needed to. 

I didn't want to make things tougher on my life. I just needed a break from reality.

"Well, he had been talking about how he had felt really worthless recently, and I told him that I had felt that way too. But... It didn't console him. I think that it just made him feel worse because he hung up on me afterward."

I stopped talking and started to cry. I was at the stage where I could cry with no trouble. They would let me off the hook since I'm in the mourning period.

"Alright. Thank you for the information. With this, we conclude it as a suicide, no sham involved or motive other than severe depression."

I walked out of the police station with Win right beside me. 

As soon as we left the building, I wiped the tears off my face. It looks like the crying method worked.

"We'll get through this."

I nodded, and we walked home.


It had been a couple of weeks of taking the anti-depressants, and it seemed to be working. I hadn't expected them to work as well as they did. It made me happy.

Reminiscing, I sat there on the balcony of Win's apartment room. The sky's tears falling, I shed one myself out of sympathy. The subtle pink flowers blooming on the flourishing plants. Everything felt ethereal.


I walked around the school campus beside Win. It was our free day, but we wanted to go to school for the pool. Public pools weren't open because of the rain, so we decided we would just go swim in the school. I loved swimming in the rain. It was always so serene.

We arrived at the pool, changing our clothes in the locker room. I pulled the swim club's jacket up and over my shoulders, heading out to the pool. I entered it slowly with the ladder on the side. I almost slipped because of the water droplets piled up on the handles.

When I finally got all of myself, except for my head, underwater, I used my strength to force my body up. I laid silently on the water as small drops of water fell on my pale skin.

Everything was okay.

I swam around the pool. After fatigue kicked in, I sat on the rim of the pool. The precipitation wasn't easing up, but it wasn't at all a problem for me. I liked it when the sky cried.

 I had always trusted that the rain only came when the sky was upset. I believed that all it wanted was comfort. So, I always sat outside and got drenched. In a way, It felt like I was doing something for someone. It made me feel like I had a purpose.

My ears filled with the noise of small children laughing. Running around in their rubber outfits protecting them from the falling water, I wondered if it was the sound I remembered from my childhood. Or, if it was just the noise I was actually hearing.

I stood up and looked behind myself.

Everyone was there. Dean, Pharm, Manaow, and Win. I looked at their smiling faces. Without the will of my mind, my body took charge of all senses and sprinted towards them. Letting out small giggles along the way, I ran.

The long dash ending in a tight group hug, I grinned widely. This was everything that I wanted, and everything I had dreamed of in a single embrace. 

This was the finale of all the suffering that had come my way. 

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