The USB Stick

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Team's POV

I woke up in the middle of the movie that we were watching, and had no idea what was going on in the film. I looked up at Win and smiled as I had finally realized what was the most precious to me. Something distracted me from the moment I was in. I knew that I was going to have to face my mother soon. She knows where I live, and she knows that Win is important to me. The fact that she pulled a gun on me is enough to tell me that we need to report her as soon as possible. I sat up in the bed and sighed.
"What is it, Team?" Win asked.
"I can't wait any longer. We have to report my mother. She pulled a gun on us, and that shows how dangerous she is," I said, looking back at Win.
"Well, we have already reported her once, and our court date is soon. What else do you want to do?" He said.
"There are security cameras in my old house and I used to have a computer that held a USB stick that could hold all the footage. It isn't in the old house, thankfully, it's in the place I used to live in before this apartment complex, and that is with my dad."
"So you need to go to your old house to get a USB stick that may or may not have the footage of your mother pointing a gun at you?" Win asked.
"Yes. Even if it doesn't have that footage, it may have the footage from when I used to live there, which could provide us more evidence that she is verbally and physically abusing me," I said.
"Well then, why don't we do that. If it makes you feel more secure, then let's do it," He said, sitting up.
Win put his hand on my shoulder and nodded his head. We both got up and changed into clothes appropriate for going out. We went down the stairs of our apartment building and got in my car. I had to drive, since I was the only one who knew what the address was. When we got there, I saw that there was no car in the driveway. Perfect. My father won't have to see me rummaging through his things to find evidence that my mother is abusive. He's still very much in love with her, although she is toxic. The last thing he needs is to find out that I hate my mother.
We got inside the house with my old house key with the blue and white flowers painted on it. I ran inside and immediately went to my father's bedroom. I opened the drawers of his bedside table, and my hands rushed around, pushing things to the side as I looked for the USB stick. I closed the drawer as soon as I didn't find it there. I moved on to the chest in the same room, and picked the lock with the two lock picks under the rug. I opened the chest's lid and threw things to the side. I was starting to panic because I knew that my father was going to get home in around fifteen minutes. I saw something thag looked like the USB stick, and grabbed it. It wasn't the USB stick that I needed, but I put it in my pocket anyway. I continued searching through the chest, and finally came upon the bottom of the chest. There it was. The USB stick. I grabbed the stick with the pink stickers on it, and put it in my pocket. I closed everything and made it look like I was never there. I ran out of the house, closing all the doors behind me. I locked the front door as I saw my father's car on the street and my heart raced. I ran to the car and started it up. When it started up, I immediately left the street. I didn't look back out of fear that he was looking and would see me. When we got back to Win's apartment, I quickly got out my computer and attached the USB stick that we were originally going for. I searched the files and didn't find the footage from what happened that day. In fact, it seemed like most of the footage on the USB stick had been deleted. Except for a couple videos. I clicked on the first one, and it was from twelve years ago. When I was 8 years old. I ran around the room as a small child while my father chased me around the room. My mother sat back on her favorite chair in the living room that she had since gotten rid of. Maybe because she used to hold me in that chair, and now she despises me. The happy family of three that were perfect until my mother started to cheat. I didnt know it then, but she cheated when I was ten years old. That was when our family went to hell. From the happiest family I could imagine, to the most fucked up family I've ever seen. I couldn't watch that video any longer, and I pulled out the USB stick. I remembered that there was another USB stick that we had grabbed from the house, and I connected it to the computer. I clicked the first video and my eyes flew open like a deer in the headlights. The video showed her putting a gun against my father's head.
She told him to say things that he didn't mean. The camera turned and I could hear the terrifying screams of my father. What the hell does she do to him when I'm not around?! I have to report this now. If she does this to him, who knows what she could use against me to stop me from going to the court date? I grabbed Win's hand and we ran to the police station. I handed them the second USB stick, the officer asked what it was.
"I don't even want to say it. Please don't make me say it," I said.
He nodded and connected the USB stick to the station computer I cupped my hands over my ears as I heard the screams of my father. When the video was over, the policeman walked back over to us and sat down in his chair.
"We need to move the court date to sooner. Your mother is a danger to everyone around you, and she needs to be stopped. So, we are moving your court date to a couple days from now. I wanted to make sure that you are free that day. Also, we need Win there because he is a witness of a couple things that happened," He said, folding his hands together.
"Anything that gets my mother away from me and my family. I'm free that day. What about you, Win?"
"I'm free that day. Even if I wasn't free that day, I'd cancel any plans I have for this," He said.
I nodded and we walked out of the police station holding hands. I was scared that my mother was going to attack us, so I had previously told the policeman to keep it a secret from her until the day of the trial. I leaned on Win's shoulder as we walked back to our apartment. I wasn't scared whenever I was with him. I was lucky that he cared about me that much. He has said before that he would cancel going to his best friend's wedding for me. I know that he is not lying when he says that, because whenever I look into his eyes, all I see is the love he has for me.

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