Comatose Confrontation

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The soft sound of Dr. Wells' electric chair can be heard from the hallway. As he enters the cortex where Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry are he clears his throat to announce himself. Caitlin and Cisco turn around. Barry just breathes like he has done for the last eight months. 

"Dr. Wells!" Cisco greets his boss, approaching him excitedly. "I'm trying to get Caitlin to let me take her out, but she says she has to stay here and watch coma boy over there." Cisco whines. 

Dr. Well's lets out a soft chuckle and looks to Caitlin for her reaction. She looks exhausted. She's just staring at Barry the same way she has since he brought him here. Checking his vitals. Checking the monitors. She needs a break. He knows she won't go unless he urges her, even then she may refuse. He has to give it a shot though. She's pale. The sun and fresh air will do her some good. 

"I think that's a great idea. And I can monitor Mr. Allen this evening. I'm interested to witness these fluctuations you've been telling me about." Dr. Wells states with a smile. 

Caitlin starts to argue, but Dr. Wells raises his hand to stop her. 

"I will call the moment anything out of the ordinary happens. Maybe the fresh air will give you some new ideas on what might be going on with our mystery patient." He says lightly. 

Caitlin sighs, looks back to Barry, then up to Cisco. 

"Fine. But we're going to the movies because I'm honestly scared that too much sun right now might singe my skin right off, and I really want popcorn. And a big drink. And candy. And you're buying since you keep eating all my Jello." She says the last sentence pointedly as she stares at the Jello cup in his hand. 

Cisco apologizes through the large glob of Jello in his mouth and smiles at her suggestion of a movie. They used to always have movie nights together. Ronnie used to be there, but not always. Sometimes it was just him and Caitlin, so maybe this won't bring back too many bad memories. Maybe it would bring back good ones. Cisco tosses the Jello cup toward the trash can, missing again, and points to the ceiling. 

"Tally-ho!" He yells as he marches out of the cortex, hand point to the ceiling. 

Caitlin's face lightens and she turns to Dr. Wells. 

"You sure you're going to be fine here alone tonight? We can bring you back something if you want." She says softly. 

He shakes his head. "You go have fun. You deserve it Caity." He says. Lowering his professional demeanor just a little. He looks over his glasses. "I mean it." He says more sternly, but with a smile. 

Caitlin walks up and kisses him on the top of his head as she exits the cortex, leaving Dr. Wells alone with Barry Allen. 

Dr. Wells examines the boy from afar before slowly approaching him, directing his electric wheelchair right up beside the bed. He talks nonsense for a few minutes. Medical jargon, bad science jokes, and comments filled with insincere concern and curiosity, until he's positive Caitlin and Cisco are gone and not coming back anytime soon. 

He places his hands on either arm rest to his chair and lifts himself up, standing next to the bed, hovering over Barry. He walks around the bed a few times. Lets out tired laughs every now and then.  He returns to Barry's side. 

"It's almost time isn't it? You've rested long enough. I must say these past months of having you in here have made me very curious to meet the man who will wake up. The constant grieving and worry from your family, the concerned calls from the CCPD. You're a well-liked man Barry Allen, but make no mistake. Not by me. If these last eight months have proved anything it is only the depths that I am willing to go to ensure my return home to my time to defeat you there." Dr. Wells stays hovering over Barry, before he starts mumbling to himself. 

"How you may ask? I couldn't do it then, why would I be able to now?" He leans closer to the unconscious boy. "Because Barry Allen I know more than I ever have about you. I have watched you for fifteen years. I know your weaknesses, I know what makes you tick. Hell, I know what you have had for breakfast everyday since middle school. These last fifteen years have made me smarter. They've made me more determined than ever. And when the opportunity to face you once again arises, Mr. Allen, I will defeat you, and you wanna know why?" He leans even closer, ensuring that the comatose boy will hear him, "because now I am unstoppable. And you, Flash, will never even see me coming."

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