Separation Anxiety

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Ronnie is barely out of the elevator before Cisco attacks him with a hug. Caitlin and Barry laugh lightly while helping Professor Stein, who's legs haven't been used in over a year, walk into the cortex.

"I missed you so much man," Cisco says, burying his face in Ronnie's chest. "I'm so sorry."

Ronnie pulls away and holds him at arms length, staring at him. "There is nothing to be sorry about, Cisco. You brought me back." Ronnie smiles over to Caitlin but she's busy checking on Professor Stein. He makes his way over to her, and without looking at him, she motions for him to sit on the other med bed that had been moved into the room.

Barry runs to get some new clothes for Stein while Caitlin begins running her tests on the, now two, men.

"You're still running a little hot," she starts, and hears Stein sigh. "But it's nothing that can't be monitored by Clarissa." She smiles at him as he perks up at the mention of his wife. "BUT," she stops him as he sits up excitedly, "I want you back in here in three days for a check up and call me immediately if you start feeling weird at all. Deal?" He nods, looking to the door as Barry runs back in, holding a bag of clothes much more suited to Stein's taste. Barry shows Stein to the guest's quarters where he can shower and change.

Ronnie is sitting on the edge of the bed, legs hanging over the side. Caitlin is standing in between them shining a flashlight in his eyes.

"Cait...Cait," Ronnie chuckles, gently pulling Caitlin's hand away from his face. "I'm fine" He says softly, smiling at her.

She looks at him with a look of uncertainty and concern boring into him. He cups her hands in his and brings them to his lips, kissing them lightly, smiling at her. "I promise. I just want to go home."

"I think we can manage without you the rest of the night," Barry says, entering the room.

Caitlin turns to look at him. He's smiling at her, nodding for her and Ronnie to head home. She holds her gaze, maybe a little too long, and turns back to Ronnie, smiling."Let's go."

When they get back to the house, Caitlin turns her back to the front door before opening it.

"I...I got rid of everything." She says, looking down.

Ronnie reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him to see a kind smile and knowing nod. He reaches around her to grab the handle. They both walk in. Caitlin looks over to the couch where her and Barry had talked the night before then turns to look at Ronnie who is beaming at every inch of the living room.

"I've never seen it so clean," he jokes.

"I'm not home that much honestly." Caitlin admits.

"I'm sorry, Cait. I know it must've been hard."

"I was just busy with S.T.A.R. Labs and, well you know." She says dryly.

He furrows his brow in confusion at her, watching her walk to the back porch. He lets her take some time while he goes upstairs to see his old room. He smiles at the box of plaid patches still sitting under his nightstand. He combs through it with his hands, imagining Caitlin finding comfort in the cloth while he was gone. He feels guilty for being happy about her missing him, but as he looks to the door out of their room, he wonders if she did.

After about half an hour of reminiscing through the house, Ronnie heads to the back porch to talk to Caitlin. He finds her sitting in her favorite chair, staring up at the sky. No, not the sky. He finds her staring at what looks something like wind chimes dangling from the roof. The wind hits them and he hears the song start. He smiles at the memory of them arguing over which song should be their first dance. When they heard the song in a shop a few days later, they immediately paused and looked at each other, smiling. They knew right then it was perfect.

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