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One month later...

Caitlin grabs her purse and walks to her door, surprised to hear a knock right when she's about to open it.

"Cisco?" She says, surprised. "I thought you were meeting me at M.A.S.S. Labs?"

"I know, but I felt weird walking in by myself. Figured I'd meet you here and go with you." He says, looking down at the ground.

Her and Cisco have talked on the phone every day since she left, but she could tell how hurt he was by her leaving.

"Sounds good." She says, looking up under his head and smiling at him. "Wanna grab some coffee on the way?"

He perks up a little and smiles back at her, nodding. The two make their way to Caitlin's usual coffee shop and walk in.

"The Bean House?" Cisco says skeptically, eyeing the room. It's an overly modernized and minimalist place. "I don't like it."

Caitlin laughs while she orders their coffee to-go and turns to leave with him. "I don't really either. The coffee is the best in town though, so I put up with it."

Cisco takes a sip. "Oh, good lord that's good." He breathes out.

"Told ya." Caitlin smiles, taking a large gulp.

Caitlin and Cisco walk the rest of the way to M.A.S.S. Labs, the building only being a couple of blocks from The Bean House and that only being a couple of blocks from her apartment. When they get there, Cisco takes his time taking in the building. He walks around the front and looks over the sides, then up and down the front of it.

"Done checking it out?" Caitlin asks, sneaking up behind him.

"S.T.A.R. Labs is better looking." Cisco states.

"S.T.A.R. Labs is still under construction from the accelerator incident. Let alone the construction needed after the black hole incident." Caitlin argues.

"Fine." Cisco sighs and starts walking in.

Caitlin laughs and follows behind him. She enters her employee I.D. to get them past the second door and directs Cisco to the right down the hallway. After winding around the hallways, they come to an elevator. Caitlin presses the 8th floor button and her and Cisco wait for the doors to open again. After getting off they are greeted by a large main lobby that branches off to different sections. Cisco's eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open as he turns in circles while he makes his way through the lobby, taking it all in.

"This place is...very, very big." He announces a little too loudly.

"Snow!" A tall boy starts jogging toward Caitlin. "Is it bring your kid to work day? Must've missed the memo."

Caitlin laughs and Cisco focuses on the new guy and glares at him.

"This is Cisco. The guy I was telling you about. He's the mechanical engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs. The one that worked on the particle accelerator." Caitlin says, wrapping her arm around Cisco.

"Oh, sick!" The stranger says, sticking his hand out to Cisco. "You're a legend here, man. At least to me. Snow talks about you all the time."

"Snow?" Cisco asks, turning to Caitlin.

"I don't mind. It felt weird having people call me Cait." She says, her face sad.

"Hey, I gotta get going. Pants will be pissed if I'm late again." The boy sprints off down a hallway labeled Section 7.

"It's Puntz!" Caitlin calls to him. She sighs when she realizes he didn't hear her.

"Who was that?" Cisco asks, laughing.

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