Angry Eyes

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The meta of the day had the ability to alter someone's mood, specifically to induce a blind rage, in anyone who made eye contact with him. The team wasn't aware of exactly how he was using his powers, just what it did to people. And of course, he decided to make his second attack while Barry, Felicity, Iris, and her boyfriend Eddie were on their double date.

Barry ran out of Jitters leaving Felicity to explain his absence. Barry was too late. The meta had already stolen what he came for. After searching the area for the meta and to figure out what was stolen, Barry decided to head out, but not before having his eyes caught by two red glowing dots. Little did he know, it was the meta, and he had just been whammied.

Barry arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs, upset that he missed the meta. He complained to Felicity, who was trying to calm him down, as they walked into the lab.

"What's wrong?" Cisco asked as they entered the cortex.

"The meta hit up another store." Felicity explained.

"I didn't get there fast enough." Barry fumed.

"You went after him? We don't even know how he's doing what he's doing. Whatever that is." Cisco said, his eyebrow raised at Barry.

"What was I supposed to do, just wait until you guys finally figure something out and let him get away with stealing until then?" Barry said, annoyance clear in his voice.

"No, but you gotta think Barry. You have powers. If you get whammied by this guy, you're ten times more dangerous than he is." Caitlin explains, walking out of her lab and into the cortex.

"I'm not gonna get whammied!" Barry fumes again.

"You don't know that! You can't keep taking these risks Barry. You're not invincible." Caitlin argues, her frustration with his recent absences and lack of focus coming out in her tone. 

"And you can't keep holding me back just because you lost Ronnie! I'm not Ronnie, Caitlin. You gotta stop treating me like I am." Barry spits at her.

Caitlin walks up to him, their eyes locked and her jaw clenched. "Holding you back?" She slaps him.

"You would still be in a coma if it wasn't for me." She says, her tone cold and spiteful.

She turns and walks out of S.T.A.R. Labs. Cisco eyes Barry and leaves to go to his workshop. He was also kind of annoyed with Barry's recent absences, but wasn't mad at him until now. 

Barry looks over to Felicity who has her arms crossed and his giving him a disappointed look.

"What?" he says, rolling his eyes.

"You are such a lovable dummy." She says as she takes a seat at the desks.

Barry gets a text from Oliver who was in town with Felicity. Oliver Queen was the Arrow, Starling City's vigilante who, with Felicity and their friend John Diggle, made up team Arrow. They were in town on their own case and decided to help Barry out with his. Oliver had been giving Barry some training sessions and was letting him know he was ready to do another one. Barry sighs and leaves, hoping not to get an arrow in the back like he did during his last training session.


Barry lashed out at Oliver during the training session. During the argument, Oliver saw the red in Barry's eyes. He immediately called Felicity.

"Oliver said he saw red in Barry's eyes." Felicity told Caitlin, who had returned to the lab after a long walk, and Cisco.

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