Catching Up

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Caitlin walks into CCPD early in the morning, exhausted from the previous night. When she walks in, she sees Eddie talking to Barry and decides to let them finish talking before she goes up to them. She's there to meet up with Eddie. They're going ring shopping.

"Morning Caitlin. What brings you in this early?" Joe asks, walking up next to her.

She can't tell him she's going ring shopping with Eddie, so she makes something up. "Eddie wants some help on a surprise for Iris."

Joe nods, not asking anything further about it. "You look exhausted."

"Oh well thank you." She says, smirking at him. Joe just laughs. "I had a late night. I've been having trouble sleeping."

Joe just nods and leans against the desk next to her. He notices she's watching Barry.

"Joe?" She asks, looking up at him. "Is he okay?"

Joe looks at her concerned. "Of course. Why do you ask?"

"He's just seemed a little...tense the last couple of days. He's not usually as quick tempered." Caitlin explains.

"He was just worried about his dad." Joe says.

Caitlin nods, not convinced since he was acting like this before everything with the Tricksters started. She goes back to watching him and Eddie talk. The conversation looks pretty tense.

"How are those two? I know things were a little tense the other day." Caitlin asks.

"They're fine. Eddie hasn't shut up about Barry's psychosis now though, so thanks for that." Caitlin lets out a laugh. "Eddie is just frustrated. We told him about the Flash last night."

Caitlin quickly turns her head to look at Joe. "You told him?" She's not mad, just shocked. "Wow. Aren't you scared he's going to tell Iris?"

"No. He wants to protect her as much as we do."

Their conversation appears to be winding down, so Caitlin says bye to Joe and walks over to them. Eddie smiles at her when she gets closer and Barry turns to see her and gives her a weak smile too.

"Ready?" Eddie asks, perking up.

"Ready for what?" Barry asks, eyes narrowing in confusion.

"You'll see Bar." Eddie says, patting him on the shoulder. Him and Caitlin turn to leave and Barry watches them walk out, still confused. He then remembers that Caitlin is helping him with the ring and he relaxes a little. Just a little.

"She's suspicious Barry." Joe says, walking up to him. "You need to hide your feelings about all this a little better next time you're at S.T.A.R. Labs, or they're going to catch on."

"I know. I just...I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this. Am I dumb for questioning her and Cisco?"

"No, Barry. Until we know for sure they aren't involved, we can't trust them with this." Joe says, squeezing Barry's shoulder and going back to his desk. Barry sighs and walks up to his lab.


"What about this one?" Eddie asks, pointing to a very large ring in the case.

"I mean it's pretty, but I don't think she'd thank you for breaking the bank on a ring." Caitlin says, laughing while she points to the price.

Eddie's eyes widen and he pulls away. He sighs and him and Caitlin leave to go to the next jewelry store a couple of blocks away. Caitlin gives a few ideas based on the ring Barry showed her and Eddie agrees to look for something more subtle.

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